Leg 16 Ose to Andøya Norway
DAY9_7.PLN (8.4 KB)
Flying through Norway at low altitude was truly fantastic. Navigating through the fjords and between the mountains. Highly recommended!
9-7 Ose Airfield ENBY 6:15 AM
9-7 Valle Airfield ENVE 6:21 AM
9-7 Os Vaksinen Ulven ENUL 7:34 AM
9-7 Flesland ENBR 7:44 AM
9-7 Rompene ENEI 7:58 AM
9-7 Bringeland ENBL 8:14 AM
9-7 Anda ENSD 8:27 AM
9-7 Hovden ENOV 8:40 AM
9-7 Vigra ENAL 8:52 AM
9-7 Aro ENML 9:05 AM
9-7 Kvernberget ENKB 9:20 AM
9-7 Flatval ENFA 9:39 AM
9-7 Orland AB ENOL 9:51 AM
9-7 Vaernes AB ENVA 10:10 AM
9-7 Frosta Airfield ENFR 10:16 AM
9-7 Henning (Nedre Langli) ENSC 10:30 AM
9-7 Snasa Airfield Gronora ENGS 10:41 AM
9-7 Hattfjelldal ENHT 11:23 AM
9-7 Hemavan ESUT 11:38 AM
9-7 Rossvoll ENRA 11:55 AM
9-7 Rognan ENRG 12:18 PM
Crash to desktop
9-7 Rognan ENRG 12:33 PM
9-7 Porjus Flygfalt ESJK 1:17 PM
9-7 Gallivare ESNG 1:33 PM
9-7 Kiruna ESNQ 1:52 PM
9-7 Evenes ENEV 2:33 PM
9-7 Andøya ENAN 2:56 PM
Flight time 8:26 25 stops
Heading into the mountains at Rysstad
Trondheim, there’s people living here too, hidden between nature’s spectacles
Jokkmokk heading back into Sweden
To visit the open pit mine in Aitik which is unfortunately completely flooded
I arrived at Andøya in the dark to take on the epic flight to Svalbard and visit the Northern most airport in the next leg.