With such lovely scenery why can’t there be an external view with the small instrument cluster without seeing the aircraft spoiling everything. Ie like looking out of the window, I’m surprised this was not added.
With such lovely scenery why can’t there be an external view with the small instrument cluster without seeing the aircraft spoiling everything. Ie like looking out of the window, I’m surprised this was not added.
you can set a custom external view
The drone camera.
Like one VeryOldPilot once said… You better use drone camera to look where ever you want
I support this feature request as well. I want a forward view without instruments or plane for better viability. Drone camera is totally different and even at 100% way too slow. I want full forward flight view without obstructions for long flights and landings.
Can you tell me how this is done?
Hi there,
We installed an automatic topic bumper in Wishlist and this topic got bumped yesterday. For your post,
I think this is the Wishlist topic you are looking for:
I think the OP wants to see the external view with the HUD instruments but with no aircraft.
Yes - Both of these views would be great to have.
OK, cool, I just wanted to make sure you were aware.