Extra 330 LT / Pitts - still bad roll responsibility

And new bugs, in here:
Extra 330LT in SU6: new bugs - Bugs & Issues / Aircraft Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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Yes they implemented my proposed fix and itā€™s much better now, but indeed needs some more work on the flightmodel.
They changed the empty weight MOI values and predicted MOI density wing values quite a bit. compared to SU5

I agree with you, i think this plane have weird behaviors when i start to make some aerobatic maneuvers, i can make some loops, flap spinsā€¦ etcā€¦ but i still thinking it havenā€™t enough rudder & elevator autority, i hope they can fix this & we can use this airplane to serious aerobatics.

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Nice flying :wink:

Yesterday I wanted to fly with the Extra 330 LT again for a long time. I was of the opinion that there used to be a Red Bull livery. Is that so, or did I mix something upā€¦? :thinking::man_shrugging:t4: