But I hope I didn’t screw mine up. I unplugged my usb controller and the #$@# game crashed. Seems to have restarted ok. When are they going to fix removing usb devices from crashing this game. I got like 5+ flight control devices I need to move them around.
I don’t think optional updates would work with software that requires to be online all the time. The updates aren’t just on the user end, I’m sure there need to be updates to the main servers too, to account for the changes in the main program.
I think a lot of people oversimplify updates like this, both from a software perspective and from an online infrastructure standpoint. There are a huge amount of things happening behind the scenes to get updates like this to you.
Maybe take a deep breath and step away from the computer for a bit if this is causing you such anger. The update will eventually get to you, don’t worry. If the worst part of your day is waiting a few hours for an update to download then you’re doing pretty good in life
Same file, same issue. First time I’ve ever had an issue downloading updates. Currently hovering around 1mbit on an 80mbit line but earlier files were coming down at over 60mbit.
I definitely second that. Right now it is not possible to use a bluetooth mouse or keyboard because when the devices go to sleep, the sim freezes. So annoying. I did send in a Zendesk ticket and I guess a lot of other people have done the same, but I don’t think that Asobo has acknowledged the problem as of yet.
Right now my dl speed is around 0.55 - 1.0 Mbits/s. I think I have to try again tomorrow when the first rush has settled. Does anyone know if it’s safe to press pause and resume the download at a later time?
Previously i have had it download at close to my max download speed and this update will take longer than it did for me to download the entire sim on release day. it shouldn’t take a day to download around 30gb’s for an update. Of course amount of traffic is a problem have now dropped to less than 1mb myself will take around 30 hours at that speed.