Extremely slow and fluctuating download speeds

Mine just finished after pretty exactly 2 hours, which should normally take 6 minutes with my connection.


fspackage.007 has now been sitting at 3-4MBit/sec speed for itā€™s whole duration now (30mins) it hasnā€™t as yet picked up speed. 5.47GB / 11.98GB downloaded 2 hrs in. This is becoming an all evening download for me here in UK. By calculation it should be a 53minute download at 30MBPS, an hour tops.

ā€¦and just this minute and 007 part completed and now onto POI-1.0.2 and back up to 20MBPS again. Weird changing speeds, Iā€™ve changed nothing. :man_shrugging:


Iā€™m UK too, on Virgin Media 1Gb. I doubt very much that itā€™s ISP specific though.


Well, every download has been cumbersome lately. From 100 mbit to 2 mbit every couple of seconds. I know one thing: If they donā€™t fix it for good, i wonā€™t be getting fs2024. I canā€™t imagine downloading that monster of a download with the current issues. 10 people with issues? My aā€¦ .Most people never comment on anything, they just suffer. I am absolutely no IT expert but it feels like a mega IT company is hogging the line. Flooding the web with tons of data allowing us only a brief window for our own data. Probably entirely naive and stupid of me but thatā€™s what it feels like at least.


Interestingly now Iā€™m past the large POI download (and all its smaller part downloads) and Iā€™m on to airports and bush trips, itā€™s picked back up to a more consistent 20MBits/sec with none of the noticable slowdowns. :crossed_fingers:

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For clarification, I didnā€™t say that only 10 people total were experiencing slow downloads with WU16. I said that we had only seen about 10 comments about slow WU16 downloads at the time I wrote that post, which was an accurate statement at that moment. By contrast, with the SU13 and SU14 releases, there were literally hundreds of people commenting about slow download and stuck install issues after an equal amount of time following the launch of those updates.

As always, we are tracking download/install issues very closely, both in terms of anecdotal reports from players on these forums and other social platforms plus our internal server/network monitoring tools.


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Are you sitting next to Jorg by any chance? :wink:

What kind of connection is that?


wat does it help if we post again and again?


Iā€™m now 10GB /12Gb and have been sat at 20MBPS steady for 20+ minutes) ever since POI 007 part completed. There was something strange going on with the POI download causing slowdowns. Perhaps a clue. Who knows. Looks like this will complete soon.

EDIT: Download now complete. 2hrs 40min
1st 6GB (POIs) with all the start/stops/parts : 1hr 50min
2nd 6GB (airports and bushtrips) all at better and very steady speed : 50min


Online services on Xbox (marketplace, bing etcā€¦)appear to be completely out for me at the moment despite all data options being turned on. Tried restarting the sim multiple times and nothing. Anyone else having the same issue?

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No words needed ā€¦


same here, Katastrophe


The problem most people here complain about is not related to WU16 or earlier updates, but pertains to ALL downloads in MSFS content manager. So if your monitoring shows ā€œbusiness as usualā€, then that still means many people are getting abysmal download speeds on a daily basis.

But if you prefer, I could go on and file a separate bug report about every single file I try to download from MS servers.

Thatā€™s on 750Mbit internet connection.


Iā€™m currently at work and will get home at about 0100 (thatā€™s how tough I am :rofl:).

I constantly get these fluctuating downloads speeds whether itā€™s something from the content manager, marketplace or whether itā€™s a WU or SU.

I think it rather disingenuous that a member of the FS team post that itā€™s related to earlier SU/WU. People have been complaining about it for so long and at all times that surely the team do not think itā€™s SU/WI related.

Yesterday I downloaded a new purchase (PMDG B737-600); my first foray into study level - and I love it. But downloading that on my 900Mb connection was painful.

With this new update Iā€™ll probably boot up the PC when I get home, initiate the download then go to be whilst it downloads.


frustrating, it isā€¦ 2 mbit on a 1.000 mbit connection.

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Same for me, 1Gbit/s fiber line, and my downloads are fluctuating between 2-3Mbit/s and sometimes 200Mbit/s ( but the 300 part stays for few seconds, then it fall back to single digit ).

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Every (!!!) download in the marketplace runs only with 2 to 3 MBit.

And there is a repeating pattern, that short before the download of a single part (file) of a package is completed, the download speed jumps to 100MBit (in my case)

if the next package starts it is falling down to under 3 Mbit again.

This has nothing to do with special SUs or WUs, it is with everyting!


Same issues here in the Netherlands.
Any download from the content manager (not just WU16) may momentarily spike to 200+MBit/s but then quickly settle back down to 2 and 3 MBit/s.
On speedtest.net or any other service (like Steam) I consistently get a download speed of 200+MBit/s (limited by Wifi 6).


Nothing new. Download still caps at 5Mbps in the content manager, when downloading world updated or even ATR or DC3.

Whereas in speed test, Iā€™m having a solid 1Gpbs


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Yesā€¦ 2 - 3 Mbit/s here as well. Thatā€™s really annoying. Is it because of throttling? Are these slow servers?