Extremely slow and fluctuating download speeds

Yep, absolutely nothing has changed regarding downloads (and it’s got nothing to do with servers being slammed as you see the same thing at quiet times) Packages start slow but eventually speed up only for the next package to go back to snails pace before speeding up again. You’d have thought Microsoft could have fixed this by now

How can they continue with the download speeds (or lack of) like this ?
It has been so now for the last many SU’s and WU’s with no fix.

I’m really worried what will happen once MSFS 2024 is released.

I´m below 2.00 Mbits/s right now downloading WU XVI !!

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I still ahve this to look forward to. Will report back. It’s been the same since March. 12GB download. These WU’s are geting quite hefty too!

Currently trying to downlaod and it’s cycling a bit from 10MBit/s->0MBit/s->2MBit/sec and back up again. Here we go again slow download deja vu.

Currently getting speeds of about 20MBit/sec max which is 2/3 my broadband speed, but every 00x.part of teh WU goes way back down to 0-2MBPS for what seems like ages. I have 2GB/12GB now downlaoded 1 hr in. I think I’ll have to go do something else tonight. :neutral_face:

Here we go again, another World Update (thanks for that!) and waiting for an eternity to have it downloaded with average 2 Mbits/s…
I really hope for some serious info on the in the developer stream, other than pointing towards improved tech in FS2024…
What makes it especially bad in FS2020 is that the download is running within the game, so you cannot really do much else in that time on the PC.

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after 30 Minutes yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


What, you don’t like downloading at only 0.18 percent of your internet bandwidth in 2024? :wink:

Look at it this way: 25 years ago that speed would have been lightning fast! :smile:

EDIT: too be fair, going alright for me, currently:

The top speed on my connection is 100 Mbits/s, so it’s doing fine right now.


Well … then again …


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you can fly one year later then :rofl:
2024 no buy for me if the servers for download and online sim get fix in this version!!!
this install is as slow as the latest again,lesson learned,no!!!

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Tried restarting the sim, the PC, the router, everything… even tried several VPN providers. I just don’t get it, every single update this happens


It’ll soon be a year of this going on. Majority of downloads outside of sim are fine. Even the initial update of FS tonight was acceptable. It’s the CM that always has these speed cycling issues with large multi part downloads making it more painful.

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I have to honest here. I had some hope when a fix was put into place. But now I am back to my previous feeling that Martial’s reaction to this issue was far, far too meager for such a big annoyance… “We are looking into it, we need a good repro.” No! Of course not. These things need to be monitored in real time. And direct action is needed to keep all the critical sensors in the green. That’s the service a gaming-as-a-service provider needs to guarantee to it’s customers.
So MS needs to solve this, NOW!


Hello @GhostlyFrend,

We are tracking download speeds of WU16 very closely, both in terms of our network/server performance metrics and anecdotal reports from players on these forums and other social platforms. So far, we’ve only seen a small number of isolated reports (about ~10 people total as of this writing) mentioning slow downloads of WU16, with an equal or greater number of commenters mentioning that the install went smoothly and download speeds are normal.

We will continue to monitor this closely, but at least so far the download issue that affected the initial launches of SU13 and SU14 does not appear to be re-occurring for WU16.



there are posts regarding this problem everywhere on this forum. its not like only 10 people have had this problem. it affects every single one more or less and not only since wu16 imho


I’ve had this download running for 2 hours on a 1Gbps connection. This is embarrassing.

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About 90mins in & onto fspackage-007-part and its still cycling between 2-4MBPS (for what seems like far too long on the start of each part) and 20MBPS (tops for me out of 30MBPS) when it eventually speeds up. Now 5GB/12GB downloaded. Forecasting a 3 1/2 - 4 hr download at this progress, and this isn’t the worst or slowest that it’s ever been. It’s not disappearing completely this time and so far no resets back to zero.

EDIT : fspackage-007 has been stuck on like 3-4MBPS for what seems like 20 full minutes now.


Hello @MintRobin607848,

I’m reading all the posts on the forum, in multiple different threads. It’s not affecting everybody. With the SU13 and SU14 launches, the forums blew up with literally thousands of posts about download/install issues. So far with WU16, it’s only been a relatively small number of people mentioning download speeds.


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Slow Download speed here in Denmark. So far it has taken 2 hours to Download 8GB of the 12 GB world update. Same pattern as usual. Every package starts real slow and at some point it goes to full download speed. Next package starts slow again…


Also downloading from Denmark.

I simply don´t believe it´s only 10% with this issue - it´s just a bad excuse.

Why is MSFS Content Manager and Marketplace (in-sim) the only application that has these low download speeds ?

I have Steam, DCS standalone as well as downloading apps and MSFS content from a host of developers with no download issues at all.



Downloading from France, topping at 5mbits/s on a 8Gbps fiber connection.
No problem on steam or other platform.

So no, that’s not 10 reports. Only people don’t create account to complain knowing there’s no action taken by microsoft/asobo regarding this.


You are lucky, me after 2 hours with blocked from this app to do other stuff or games on this PC !!! Wasn’t there a was big problems at the last WU because of the same topic?


I wish I’d got that far! I’m still on 990Mb after over 2 hours. My chat window keeps on saying that this is solved for some reason too.