Extremely slow and fluctuating download speeds

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: EXTREMELY slow download speeds in content manager

Is MSFS using legacy CDN technology?
Is only Europe affected?

PlayFab CDN is a legacy feature supported for accounts with at least one title that has previously configured CDN. For new PlayFab developers interested in a content management solution, we recommend using Azure CDN. To get started, see the Azure CDN documentation.

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Could we tell which is in use, and would one over the other actually matter?

same here (Brazil), tried the CMD command as well to no change, to be honest this has been an issue pretty much since launch for a lot of people, it’s boggling to me that we are in 2024 and this is still an issue for so many people, compleatly inexcusable, I’m on an 800mbit fiber wired connection

According to the post directly above the CDN issues are not isolated to “certain locations in Europe”. So seems like Asobo is not on the right track when it comes to looking for the root cause.
My guess - Asobo focusing on MSFS 2024 which will have different download architecture, probably based on Azure CDN, no longer on the legacy PlayFab CDN. I’m pessimistic when it comes to fixing slow download issue in MSFS2020.


Asobo can’t fix this as its almost certainly not an issue with the client. There was a post/video by Jorg where he explained some things done to improve things going forward, at that time. He explained that users were stuck trying to download SU14(?), and were getting massive pauses. The “fix” was to instead of allowing the sim to download updates with all 8 connections at once, it would only download 1 at a time. So 1/8th the bandwidth.

I’ll see if I can dig out that video, but it was presumably one of the dev. updates, and I think there was an official post on the forums as well that go into more detail, and coherence(!) than I have here.

Here we go:

To rectify the issue, PlayFab engineers made a fix to their servers such that they didn’t generate a new SAS token every few seconds for each file requested but instead only once every 15 minutes on each of their servers. On the Microsoft Flight Simulator side, our team reduced the number of downloads that could occur in parallel for each player from eight (8) to one (1) to relieve some of the pressure on the CDN. This meant that individual players would experience reduced download speeds but all requests could be processed successfully.

Instead of increasing capacity at the back end, no mean feat for sure as it’s not as simple as snapping you fingers to create additional bandwidth, our downloads were throttled to 1/8th to allow more users to get on to download the updates, then 8/8 was restored.

The problem here is that this doesn’t help for future updates unless they really do something to increase capacity on the server side. It also doesn’t explain the terrible download speeds many of us have in between these update releases, where the pressure on the CDN’s is reduced.

Read through the incident report, and you will come to realise that all the shenanigans going on are entirely server side. No client side fixes, just reducing capacity per client to allow more clients on.

It was a very interesting read, but also disturbing because of this line:

Now that normal service has been restored, we hope everyone is enjoying Sim Update 14.

I’m not sure how you would define normal service, but to me that doesn’t mean throttle all the downloads on patch day, then resetting that once most users are up to date. “Normal” needs to be improved, and only MS/Playfab can do that, not Asobo.


The forum software tells me:

This topic has been solved

Only reply here if:

  • You have additional details
  • The solution doesn’t work for you


Unbelievable, how unable to move since months.

I do not care, if it’s Asobo’s, Microsoft’s or PlayFab’s fault.

This behavior is known since MANY MONTHS and it did not change significantly.
The just “smile it away”.
In the November Dev Stream 2023 Transcription was stated: “All will be better in MSFS 2024. (concerning this problem)”

That means to me: For MSFS 2020 there will be no change for it.
What did they say in the last developer stream last week?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6yCff8SgXk
(from 14:20)
“We are working on it.”

Does anybody feel, that there is somebody “working” on it?


It’s currently day 3 of reinstalling MSFS on my system. Most of the time the download speed is at 2-3Mbps.

No, it’s not my PC’s fault. Not my internet connection fault. I have every game launcher known to man and every single one fully saturates my 750Mbps connection.

Some games are considered unplayable for various reasons, but MSFS 2020 is the only uninstallable game known to me


Been having issues with every update on Xbox Series X. I have a 1Gbp fibre connection with British Telecom with the console connected via ethernet. Carribbean update XVI stuck at a pathetic 2 Mbps. It occasionally speeds up to about 300 Mbps then drops straight back down to 2Mbps. Pathetic. Nobody seems to care though!

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: EXTREMELY slow download speeds in content manager

You’re suggesting that the mighty Microsoft can’t build enough lift to carry the download traffic? All my other large downloads proceed at full speed or nearly so, especially late at night.

A structural problem with their installation manager or the backbone on which it rides seems more likely. But given the resources, it sure seems like it should be fixable.

Download speeds are Terrible

< 1 Mbps :frowning:

Thought I was the only one who had this deteriorating download speeds. Sometimes it won’t even download completely and has to be restarted and that with a 100 MBit/s internet speed with German telecom provider that works fine, except for MSFS. Had a few times a disconnect during flights. It has developed into a real pain.

Kind regards

Same here, only happen with fs2020

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just a element for comparison on how things should work


Count yourself lucky. I’ve tried on 3 different computers, the last two of which are 100 Mbps or way more. ALL have had this extremely slow download problem. Netlimiter at least stopped it from being frequently paused.

It will take over DAYS to install at this rate.

It is not FS2020 It is Gakiin launcher

My fs 2020 is at 2.2Mbits/sec

Here is my DL with fs2020, same connection
 just worst codding I guess :


I also get around 2Mbit/s in Switzerland
 I have 1Gbit connection


I’m looking at upgrading my PC in the near future, and in all likelihood I’ll probably just go for a brand new rig. The thoughts of having to install MSFS from scratch genuinely scares the hell out of me. This shouldn’t be the case in this day and age.