F-15C/D/E/I Flight Model and Performance Rework Mod (DC Designs F-15)

Here is my official statements about doubt and baseless blame.

Someone claimed I was taken others data and idea.

Also, one of them @SilentG37 said ’ Extremely suspicious ’

Added after I wrote

Also, you said
’ when others tell you to “borrow” from another mod specific things, and then you release a mod update with those “borrowed” ideas, or something very similar, it seems extremely suspicious. ’

Who said about this to me?


I was only received bug report and feedback in this forum. Other from flightsim.to said please fix ICAO information. That’s all what I can remember.

Am I just blamed by your imagination? Is it joke? or what?

SO I want to ask him or them.

What kind of data and what kind of idea did I take from others?

Also, who request that to me?

As I said, I have never taken anything from Jack’s or yours, including idea BECAUSE I DON’T NEED YOURS.

Of course, I saw forum threads sometimes, but it is just scrolling down to remove notification. I don’t read it carefully. (Because I can’t, and I don’t want to spend my time because I need time to translate it. - I already said I’m not living in the English native region.)

Also, @NYZ06000 never talk about Jack’s or yours data to me. I can prove it, if you want and if NYZ06000 agree to reveal his PM to public. He only talked about feedback or bug on my mod. (My mistakes in CDI function, and flight model feeling, and request about HSI axis aligning)
If he delivered data from other mod or someone did it, I would have blocked them immediately. (Fortunately, nobody did it.)

For your information, I always send a message like ’ please post on my public thread, not PM, if possible. '. Of course, I feel for sorry to them, but reason is simple, because of my laziness to press a PM button and check it. Also, I want to share my mod’s bug or unintended behavior with other people. (Because it can make the good information)

I think you guys need to be more careful before doubt others or blame others.

By following your opinion and doubt, I was updated more earlier about landing/taxiing light fix, afterburner thrust, RPM information on HUD and other many things. Even I properly revised earlier about F-15s weight and fuel capacity and engine thrust. How did you guys think about this? My works, what related I released earlier are negligible with my efforts?

Tell me, what exactly I have taken from you and Jack.

I have my references and reason why not refer to yours. Also, I already have opened my reference documents to the public because I believe it is good help to others.

How can you guys blame and insult my efforts with just thought and doubt. I have my pride for my past studies about aerospace engineering, and doctor degree and my efforts, because I love the sky and aircraft, and because I choose that.
I also know how bad plagiarism is from my experience in writing research papers and presenting lots of conferences. This efforts are really painful, but it is worthwhile when it completed. I can guarantee I know this more than you.

Also, when I’m working my Boeing 747-8i reworks, I’m only referring others or Asobo’s default codes for study and understanding purpose, not copy and paste. Even I’m not a good coder, I’m always implementing codes or functions by my way based on study and understand.

In my F-15 reworks, I never referred others mod, because I don’t need it. Only I saw default aircraft’s codes, SDK and my reference documents. Also, I have already opened to the public my reference documents because I believe it is good help to others.

Really disappointed.