F-15C/D/E/I Flight Model and Performance Rework Mod (DC Designs F-15)

ok i see…thank you~
means…i’m sorry YuriKAiRi


I think it’s amazing what you’ve accomplished here. I’m sorry you’ve had your wings broken by those who find it easy to throw stones. It’s always WAY easier to destroy than create! Look at what’s happened here! You’ve spent countless hours doing this thankless job for us without pay and in a day it seems that your dream of the properly finished F-15 is crushed. How sad is that.
This reminds me of many superb YouTube sites that try to offer genuine help to people in many areas just to be flooded by mean and cruel comments by uncaring people until they are so hurt and miserable they give up. It’s awful!
I am, of course, of the people who paid $40 USD for this aircraft from DC, and had no idea until I first bought it how terrible it was. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I am an F-18 driver on DCS and the stock F-15 from DC is like a kids toy compared to the F-15 there, and that one isn’t even cockpit clickable. I’ve talked with DC Designs about when it will be “finished” but they say that’s on the back burner as they need to get the new stuff out the door so they can make money.
I understand that DC Designs needs to be PROFITABLE! They are a good company I think we should support. But the F-15 was not released anywhere near cooked, and they should have waited; as it is now - it may be some time before it’s gone through to ANYWHERE NEAR the level you have ALREADY.
What do we do in the meantime? Well, thankfully, we have YOU, who have done what you can to fix what you can. You deserve FAR MORE thanks than you have gotten so far, I know that’ not much, but those of us who flew your updated DC bird sure appreciate it!
Don’t everyone forget, this is GOOD for DC Designs! If KAiRi keeps working on his project, that will help the folks that bought the DC F-15 feel better about waiting until they can get to it in detail and work out the bugs. We want them to be a PROFITABLE COMPANY!
So, I am saying, and I’m certain I can say many are with me, KAiRi - PLEASE don’t give up because of those who wish to throw rocks at you. Please continue what you have dreamed to do with us in support. I would love to pitch in myself and help test for you, but I don’t know on a helpful level how an F-15 should fly. I just fly F-18’s.
Hang in there,


Good Evening,

I’m not sure he is interested in working on this anymore, at least that was of Sunday, when we spoke, via voice. KAiRi is a really nice person, I can only speak for myself, but one thing positive to come out of this stupid stuff, was it brought a new friend into my life. Thanks for the nice post, couldn’t of said it better myself.

You would think the Developer would continue finish his project, real world stuff. If we sold a machine that was not developed, it would be our responsibility to fix, not people modifying for free. Seem like you care more about the product than the one how sold it to you…

There is another mod out there but that one seem to be broken, unless 20 plus G’s are good. They are working on it.

Fellow DCS Hornet Driver, and a bunch more :wink:

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SUPER sad, looks like you’re right! He seems to have given up. The rock throwers have won, as is too often the case.