F-16 by SC Design

This is actually the most requested f-16 livery on that mod place. Unfortunately it’s been up many months & nobody has attempted it.

That’s interesting to hear - noted :+1:

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Update available :+1:

The latest variant (applied to new-build as well as offered as an upgrade package) is the F-16V. And yes, it’s for ‘Viper’.

No longer manoeuvres like a airbus above 550kts :+1:

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Dude, that was due to the FLCS FBW system being enabled. So now it’s agile with the system turned on at 550+ knots, eh?

Interesting… I seem to remember the Super Hornet having the exact same issue at around 550-600 knots… But they corrected it with a recent update and feels much better

How do I grab the update though? It’ll automatically do that for moi?

Edit: Never mind. Found the update sitting in the Content Manager, waiting for me :sweat_smile:.

I can’t find the F-16V. How do you grab it?

You’d have to buy it from Lockheed Martin. Don’t know if they’ll deliver it to you or if you’ll have to travel to Greenville to fly it out of the factory yourself.

It seemed very strange to me that this was still happening since I modified the variable that manages the roll rate issue once you reach 540 knots. Or the change had not been updated on Xbox or the product had not been updated yet. I’m glad it was the second case.

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Lol… I’m good, thanks.

Thought it was being offered in game.

@DEAN01973 Very welcome improvements to the F-16, loving it even more now…

I noticed that the AB flame/signature no longer shows outside the nozzle at full AB. Was that a deliberate design decision?

Deliberate, it’s still visible at night and dawn/dusk, more like real life.

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Ah, you don’t say? :wink::+1:

Should be interesting to fly it in low light conditions then.

Looking forward to the AB sound ‘tuning’ and animated engine nozzle according to thrust level.

Nice touch on the G-induced vapour trails although they look exactly like the FA-18’s now. As I understand it, G-vapours look slightly different on different jets, depending on the design of the fuselage and wings… but can’t have it all, I suppose? :smiley:

The F-16 is the most fun I’ve had in a flight sim since the days of Falcon and Jane’s USAF on the Apple Macintosh! What a legit beast! And great job on the modelling, sound, flight characteristics, etc. :+1:

You guys are the best, thank you!

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Since today I can’t see the smoke anymore for this or the Stearman working fine yesterday even after the F16 update

Wow is all I can say.

This aircraft is awesone. Loving the updates. Keep up the great work Dean.


Oh and this guy who is a bit overdressed :rofl:


Is the smoke working for anyone else?

It’s incredible, I can’t get enough of it and am happily losing sleep over it almost every night :grin::joy:.

Dean is indeed the man :+1:

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I’m really looking forward to the F15 update too :sunglasses:

I can check tomorrow morning if nobody else responds before then.

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Thank you :+1:

Smoke working here, others have posted pictures of their F-16s trailing smoke as normal but with MSFS in its current state who knows what might be causing issues at the moment.

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Strange it was working yesterday even after the update and today after a restart of the sim nope. I’ve also tried the Stearman and the smoke on that doesn’t work anymore either