F-16 by SC Design

I said a couple days ago I’d share some photos when I added the F-16 to my hangar, so here they are! I purchased it today and took it for a quick flight. I didn’t have much time to fly, but it seemed really enjoyable to fly. I’ve always enjoyed the F-16 in flight sims and games in general. Of course, the Thunderbirds livery is what really sold me.


Why does my F-16 look like this to others? Is it because my RNoAF livery? :stuck_out_tongue: This is a screenshot from todays community stream.


@Magnus1985 More than likely it means the person does not have your livery installed…but even if they do have it installed, no guarantee it will show the plane properly. Asobo has acknowledged this is an issue they are looking into.

Their multiplayer in general needs a lot of work, but I feel your pain. Quite annoying seeing friends show up as airliners when we all own the same plane and liveries.


Thank you! I thought so. When I think about it, maybe the person who made the livery did a mistake as well, since the plane shows up as “other” when you select it with the Norwegian livery.

Any chance we can get an official RNoAF livery for the C version @CodenameJack447? One of the regular ones that are really easy to make, not the special editions with tigers, vikings, camouflage and so on.

It has flag pennant on the tail with a number, and the circular thing on each side of the pilot and one side of the wings (one on top and one on bottom):

We can’t do livery requests unfortunately, as there are so many liveries available ( especially for the F-16 ) - the package would soon become far too large to process.

Is it planned to move the Aim120’s that are on the wingtips forward? They look like they are rhoughly 20-30cm too far back, looking quite weird

If there is a difference, it’s really quite minute and not at all weird


Dude, you are seriously missing out. It’s easily one of the best most exciting jets to fly in the game! Buy it and turn that sound system way up…you’re in for a treat.

@DEAN01973 Sorry I’ve already asked this question but got a confusing response from someone else:

How do you get those missiles and bombs to show on the F-16? I’m on Xbox.

This has been answered directly to you already dude. You can’t on Xbox because marketplace won’t allow visible weapons. Get a PC :slight_smile:


The F-35 just doesn’t have much character. Its an interesting technological marvel, both in the sim and in real life, but it doesn’t have the character of the F-16, or the F-15.


That’s pretty funny, I agree F-35 lacks character but to say F-15 and F-16 has character is stretching it. I guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder.

The “teen” jets still had a little bit of that “seat of the pants” about them, despite both having varying levels of FBW. The F-35 is just a big flying toaster in comparison. I loved watching a recent documentary about pilots training to fly the F-35. One guy saddled up and couldn’t start it. He asked the ground crew what to do. The answer was classic:

“Switch it off, and then switch it back on again.”

What was even funnier was that doing so, worked, and he started up and flew off :laughing:


Very true. While from a flying aspect it is meh, the automation itself is quite fantastic.

The teens are a nice middle ground for sure. Look at the 104 and information wise and navigation wise it is uttery limited but (like the F-14) it is very much a hands on plane.
Then the teens come with both information and navigation as wel as a lot more visibility and manouverability.

The F-15E is a great platform, reason why they are building new ones X version iirc.

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lol…tame the beast? remind me not to go flying with you irl as your instructor would probably give you an ear full as you’re putting a lot of tax payer dollars close to a stall accident. Unless of course you have plenty of altitude. Am I wrong?

You do realise this is a forum for a simulator, right? :stuck_out_tongue: I can crash a million F-16 in MSFS without affecting the tax payers :slight_smile:

The community fly-in every Friday is just a show flight, with collisions off, no ATC, and no rules (except to have fun).

You should try it next Friday. It’s going to include whatever is new content next week. It’s much fun to fly with so many around you!


Hey how do I find this “event” from my game? Sounds like fun.

Where can one join this?

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@SpeedDemon996 | @Niffstippels

The community fly-in are posted in the “Community events” sub section. Look for the ones that have an [official] tag in the name.

Direct link to the correct sub section: Latest Community/Community Events topics - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
Direct link to last Friday’s community fly-in: [OFFICIAL] Community Fly-In Friday: Lisbon to Gibraltar - Community / Community Events - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums