F-16 by SC Design

Yes, this sort of thing happens with MSFS updates often - just re-install the airplane from scratch and it will be fine :+1:


The right display always goes black after a few minutes.

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please remove this


probably you can solve this by binding “alternator on” or “alternator togle” or if you have alternator togle be sure you doesn’t push the trigger of this

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I have found, its easier to uninstall the previous version before installing the latest. This seems to remove any erroneous code that may not get updated
 Thanks for this latest update. :slight_smile:

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i uninstall it from programs and futures then install, power sector doesn’t clickable, i uninstall it again and delete from local cache, doesn’t help. p.s. autopilot sector “alt” not switchable
 may be something else

If I turn off the HMD (left or right) I can’t turn them back on again, they just remain blank. Is this a feature or a bug?

Tried complete uninstall, reinstall and deactivating every thing in the Community Folder and still no cigar
 will keep working on it

can we get back old avionic? this one looks like f/a-18 addon

updated to 0.6.0 and also unable to turn battery on. → not clickable.

Got the new start up worked out. My issue was caused by my Logitech flight panels. They no longer work with it. Got it all started ok by just using the proper cockpit switches and following the checklist. If you do have Logitech flight panels just make sure every switch is turned to on. I’m not sure what the issue is but they’re now confusing something in the plane. Anyway all seems sorted now.

The only issue I was having is the pilot wasn’t appearing in the exterior view. Is there a cockpit button to switch the pilots on and off like the F-15? Maybe I missed something. Also do we not get any afterburner flame at all now, even in low light? Doesn’t seem to be showing.

Other than that looks like a great update to one of my favourite planes in the sim.

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New update today, “SCDF16MSFS_TP_0.6.0”, downloaded it from SimMarket. Of course, the same files are still missing from at least the last two version of the download.

Uninstalled → reboot → reinstalled 0.6.0 → same problem, battery not clickable.

forgot to mention: i am on SU 10 beta.


Gary, changes have been made: the battery etc, it’s under the throttle quadrant (main power switch) but you have to hide it to access it. there is a knob called treat that allows you to do it.


I agree, I don’t like the way that top edge looks at all on the HUD glass, that may bug me a bit too much. but I am super excited for everything else. I cannot say enough about how much I appreciate the work done. Hopefully that glass edge will be worked on in a future update.

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that’s because you use your full name as username and when you try to install the product, the destination path exceeds 256 characters. you would have to install it in another place to be able to later take it to community

for the HMD, you have to use the Cont knob located on the DED


there’s not only about edge it’s about grows hud up. the glass of hud higher, hud symbols higher, life totally broken, tears flood the world

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I beg you to wait a little while, it has been transitioned to that HUD to enable HMD and for the velocity vector to work correctly, but I have not yet been able to incorporate the airspeed and altimeter with scrolling and graduations characteristic of the f16. it’s something I’m working on as we speak

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hey mobias, yes there should be a switch on the right that enables the visibility of the crew like the F15.