F/A-18 Random Engine Out - Incorrect Fuel sequencing

Inconsistent SDK documentation, along with my first time using it, is making this a longer process than hoped for my end. The good news is each time I learn, the next iteration is cleaner and more efficient. Feels like I almost have it as close as the SDK will allow to the diagrams shown earlier in the thread.

somethingbrite - maybe you’re not;

You have Linked back to the Thread you are actually on - like, you have linked back to this thread.

That’s odd. KUDOS for throwing the curve ball.

The SDK Documentation is at best, a laugh and at worst - wastes hundreds of hours in mistaken code-authoring.
Those responsible should be plunged in to icy lakes for at least 300 seconds and then NOT given hot towels on emerging.

Here’s a fix while I work on compiling/uploading into a more user friendly

F/A-18E Fuel System Adjustment 1.01

Release Notes:

Removed unused references to B748i fuel system

Added Feed Tank Fuel Line
-Connected Tank4 to Feed Tank Input Line
-Connected Tank2 and Tank3 to Feed Tank Output line

Increased Wing Tank Gravity Flow to better simulate Motive Flow Pumps
Adjusted Wing Tank Balancing Triggers to prevent issue where 0 Gal imbalance can cause both Wing Tank Valves to close

Redirected Tank1 transfer pump to Tank4
-Adjusted Tank1 transfer scheduling to maintain optimum CG

You can now use the full fuel amount in the Jet, and both engines should run out of fuel at the same time

Next Version goals:
Connect Tank1 to Feed Tanks Input Line for redundancy
Add Tank2 and Tank3 Interconnects to handle fuel imbalances
Investigate adding External Tanks (Code may already exist to display levels in EFD and FUEL DDI)


Replace the [FUEL_SYSTEM] section of the flight_model.cfg with the following

APU.1 = Name:APU#FuelBurnRate:10
Engine.1 = Name:LeftEngine#Index:1
Engine.2 = Name:RightEngine#Index:2
Tank.1 = Name:CenterTank1#Title:TT:MENU.FUEL.MAIN_TANK_1#Capacity:350#UnusableCapacity:5#Position:5,0,1#Priority:2
Tank.2 = Name:CenterTank2#Title:TT:MENU.FUEL.MAIN_TANK_2#Capacity:383#UnusableCapacity:5#Position:1,0,1#Priority:3
Tank.3 = Name:CenterTank3#Title:TT:MENU.FUEL.MAIN_TANK_3#Capacity:385#UnusableCapacity:5#Position:-5,0,1#Priority:3
Tank.4 = Name:CenterTank4#Title:TT:MENU.FUEL.MAIN_TANK_4#Capacity:555#UnusableCapacity:5#Position:-8,0,0.5#Priority:2
Tank.5 = Name:LeftWingTank#Title:TT:MENU.FUEL.LEFT_MAIN#Capacity:244#UnusableCapacity:5#Position:-6.5,-7,0.5#Priority:1
Tank.6 = Name:RightWingTank#Title:TT:MENU.FUEL.RIGHT_MAIN#Capacity:244#UnusableCapacity:5#Position:-6.5,7,0.5#Priority:1
Line.1  = Name:LeftWingTankToLeftWingTransferValve#Source:LeftWingTank#Destination:LeftWingTransferValve#GravityBasedFuelFlow:33000
Line.2  = Name:LeftWingTransferValveToCenterTank4#Source:LeftWingTransferValve#Destination:CenterTank4#GravityBasedFuelFlow:33000
Line.3  = Name:RightWingTankToRightWingTransferValve#Source:RightWingTank#Destination:RightWingTransferValve#GravityBasedFuelFlow:33000
Line.4  = Name:RightWingTransferValveToCenterTank4#Source:RightWingTransferValve#Destination:CenterTank4#GravityBasedFuelFlow:33000
Line.5  = Name:CenterTank2ToLeftValve#Source:CenterTank2#Destination:LeftValve
Line.6  = Name:LeftValveToLeftEngElecPump#Source:LeftValve#Destination:LeftEngElecPump
Line.7  = Name:LeftEngElecPumpToLeftEngineJunction#Source:LeftEngElecPump#Destination:LeftEngineJunction
Line.8  = Name:LeftEngineJunctionToCrossfeedValve#Source:LeftEngineJunction#Destination:CrossfeedValve
Line.9  = Name:LeftEngineJunctionToLeftEnginePump#Source:LeftEngineJunction#Destination:LeftEnginePump
Line.10 = Name:LeftEnginePumpToLeftEngineValve#Source:LeftEnginePump#Destination:LeftEngineValve
Line.11 = Name:LeftEngineValveToLeftEngine#Source:LeftEngineValve#Destination:LeftEngine
Line.12 = Name:CenterTank3ToRightValve#Source:CenterTank3#Destination:RightValve
Line.13 = Name:RightValveToRightEngElecPump#Source:RightValve#Destination:RightEngElecPump
Line.14 = Name:RightEngElecPumpToRightEngineJunction#Source:RightEngElecPump#Destination:RightEngineJunction
Line.15 = Name:RightEngineJunctionToCrossfeedValve#Source:RightEngineJunction#Destination:CrossfeedValve
Line.16 = Name:RightEngineJunctionToRightEnginePump#Source:RightEngineJunction#Destination:RightEnginePump
Line.17 = Name:RightEnginePumpToRightEngineValve#Source:RightEnginePump#Destination:RightEngineValve
Line.18 = Name:RightEngineValveToRightEngine#Source:RightEngineValve#Destination:RightEngine
Line.19 = Name:CenterTank1ToLeftCenterTanksPump#Source:CenterTank1#Destination:LeftCenterTanksPump
Line.20 = Name:LeftCenterTanksPumpToLeftCenterTanksValve#Source:LeftCenterTanksPump#Destination:LeftCenterTanksValve
Line.21 = Name:LeftCenterTanksValveToCenterTank4#Source:LeftCenterTanksValve#Destination:CenterTank4
Line.22 = Name:CenterTank4ToRightCenterTanksPump#Source:CenterTank4#Destination:RightCenterTanksPump
Line.23 = Name:RightCenterTanksPumpToFeedTanksJunction#Source:RightCenterTanksPump#Destination:FeedTanksJunction
Line.24 = Name:CenterTank4ToAPUPump#Source:CenterTank4#Destination:APUPump
Line.25 = Name:APUPumpToAPU#Source:APUPump#Destination:APU
Line.26 = Name:FeedTanksJunctionToCenterTank2#Source:FeedTanksJunction#Destination:CenterTank2
Line.27 = Name:FeedTanksJunctionToCenterTank3#Source:FeedTanksJunction#Destination:CenterTank3
Junction.1 = Name:LeftEngineJunction#InputOnlyLines:LeftEngElecPumpToLeftEngineJunction#OutputOnlyLines:LeftEngineJunctionToLeftEnginePump
Junction.2 = Name:RightEngineJunction#InputOnlyLines:RightEngElecPumpToRightEngineJunction#OutputOnlyLines:RightEngineJunctionToRightEnginePump
Junction.3 = Name:FeedTanksJunction#InputOnlyLines:RightCenterTanksPumpToFeedTanksJunction#OutputOnlyLines:FeedTanksJunctionToCenterTank2,FeedTanksJunctionToCenterTank3
Valve.1 = Name:LeftValve#Circuit:1
Valve.2 = Name:RightValve#Circuit:2
Valve.3 = Name:CrossfeedValve#Circuit:3
Valve.4 = Name:LeftWingTransferValve#Circuit:4
Valve.5 = Name:RightWingTransferValve#Circuit:5
Valve.6 = Name:LeftCenterTanksValve#Circuit:6
Valve.7 = Name:LeftEngineValve#Circuit:7
Valve.8 = Name:RightEngineValve#Circuit:8
Pump.1 = Name:APUPump#Pressure:45#DestinationLine:APUPumpToAPU#Type:APUDriven#Index:1
Pump.2 = Name:LeftEnginePump#Pressure:25#DestinationLine:LeftEnginePumpToLeftEngineValve#Type:EngineDriven#Index:1
Pump.3 = Name:RightEnginePump#Pressure:25#DestinationLine:RightEnginePumpToRightEngineValve#Type:EngineDriven#Index:2
Pump.4 = Name:LeftCenterTanksPump#Pressure:30#DestinationLine:LeftCenterTanksPumpToLeftCenterTanksValve#Type:Electric#Index:1
Pump.5 = Name:RightCenterTanksPump#Pressure:30#DestinationLine:RightCenterTanksPumpToFeedTanksJunction#Type:Electric#Index:2
Pump.6 = Name:LeftEngElecPump#Pressure:30#DestinationLine:LeftEngElecPumpToLeftEngineJunction#TankFuelRequired:CenterTank2#Type:Electric#Index:3
Pump.7 = Name:RightEngElecPump#Pressure:30#DestinationLine:RightEngElecPumpToRightEngineJunction#TankFuelRequired:CenterTank3#Type:Electric#Index:4
Trigger.1 = Name:AutoStart#Condition:Autostart_Enabled#EffectTrue:OpenValve.LeftValve,OpenValve.RightValve,OpenValve.CrossfeedValve,StartPump.APUPump,StartPump.LeftEnginePump,StartPump.RightEnginePump,StartPump.LeftCenterTanksPump,StartPump.RightCenterTanksPump
Trigger.2 = Name:AutoShutdown#Condition:Autoshutdown_Enabled#EffectTrue:CloseValve.LeftValve,CloseValve.RightValve,StopPump.LeftCenterTanksPump,StopPump.RightCenterTanksPump
Trigger.3 = Name:TransferLeft#Condition:TankImbalanceAbove#Threshold:0#Target:LeftWingTank,RightWingTank#EffectTrue:CloseValve.RightWingTransferValve#EffectFalse:OpenValve.RightWingTransferValve
Trigger.4 = Name:TransferRight#Condition:TankImbalanceAbove#Threshold:0#Target:RightWingTank,LeftWingTank#EffectTrue:CloseValve.LeftWingTransferValve#EffectFalse:OpenValve.LeftWingTransferValve
Trigger.5 = Name:TransferLCenterTanks#Condition:TankImbalanceBelow#Threshold:80#Target:CenterTank4,CenterTank1#EffectTrue:OpenValve.LeftCenterTanksValve#EffectFalse:CloseValve.LeftCenterTanksValve


FIXED - Thank you Raynen!

Awesome. You guys rock.

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We do.


I feel sorry for the A320 pilots that are going to get an unscheduled escort to their destination. I’ll apologize in advance.


Watch it on Interception - it’s a lot trickier than QRF make it look.

Come from behind - match the speed to within, like 40 Kts +/ - and then Creep forwards - gently reducing the Speed difference until you’re down to like +5/ -5, really slowly - or you’ll overshoot - with hands on Throttle making constant adjustments.

Then, you can sidle up to the left hand window and nod your nose - and let him tell his VATSIM Controller what he’s seeing out of the window :wink:

Practice on AI birds until you have it nailed.

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I am also experiencing the same issue at around 26-30 MSL

It begins…

Still a good amount of work aligning this, then connecting the tanks to the feed systems, and finally getting the FUEL page to accurately display the current levels.

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Just tested your Fuelsystem, works great! Thank you very much!

Where are people pulling that fuel page up from? - On my DDI the FUEL button down on the right brings up a NOT IMPLEMENTED flag…

I think I was actually trying to link this thread to somewhere else.
There must have been a caffeine deficit and a mobile app/fat thumbs incident.

From the SUPT menu, pressing FUEL on the bottom left beside FPAS.

Progress, Center and Right external tanks are still just placeholders for now, but it’s coming along nicely.


Nice work. :+1:

I suppose that ultimate realism would require modelling the effects of external tanks on the flight model (e.g. drag, and its consequential effects on climb rate, airspeed), and visually too, but even without this having the extra range will be a real improvement.

Compared to doing the fuel corrections that’s relatively straightforward work in the Flight_model.cfg.
Increase of Parasitic Drag and a couple of other things.

I can do that - Raynen can do the Deep System Fuel Correction Stuff because this is what he does - exceedingly well.

We are going to turn this (very fair) Asobo F/A-18 into a real F/A-18 E/F.
I’m a delegator; I’ve delegated.

Everyone Happy?

Good. Let’s get to work x

Get in touch if you’re WASM, API and HTML for those DDI’s, and if you have no clue what I’m talking about there - stay away. . . for now.

Your jet is coming . . . soon.


I haven’t tried diving into aircraft files in FS2020 yet, but have people already started looking at adding mesh and textures for external fuel tanks (and associated pylons, etc.) on top of the systems work?

Left Inboard Tank, Centerline Tank, and Right Inboard Tank added. Getting the fuel scheduler to incorporate them is proving a frustration. While taking a step back from the fuel system, I was able to successfully reverse engineer the FUEL DDI.

Need to get the fuel scheduler sorted, get the “Internal” value of the FUEL DDI to only read the internal tanks, and then it’s ready to pack up and distribute for a Ver1 release.