Famous Flyer 07: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MU-2

Looks like you have some mod conflict there, the bottom screen is not displaying the contents of a GNS530 but a instead a GTN650.


Rotates fine now on takeoff.
I love the climb rate of 5.000 fpm plus and its ability to exceed the red line even throttled back. Completely unrealistic, though. Maybe it got some Space Shuttle genes somehow?
Elevator trim unfortunately so sensitive now that it’s unflyable at speeds over 160 kts.

In simple terms: Catastrophic “update”. Unflyable now.

Looks like it’s Jaydee’s GTN750 mod. Disable that and the problem goes.
BTW nice to see they’ve made it compatible with the HC Bravo autopilot controls.

Well I was all in until I heard the gear retraction sound was too loud! Really folks
why not just go flying instead of picking nits? :smile:


For anyone who doesn’t like the default white interior, my SAAB MU-2 livery just got an updated darker interior with 2 tone seats and wood trim.


Which variant is this modeled after? I can’t find any MU2 that cruises at 215kts

According to p.8 of the manual (Official\OneStore\microsoft-aircraft-mu2\Resources\Documentation\MU2 MSFS Manual.pdf) the cruise speed is 205KTAS.

Can’t find one that cruises at 205 either

Wow, if true then has just put me off getting the updated version. All online stats seem to be at least 90 knots faster than this.

In fact the speed is a major selling point of the aircraft.

I don’t think whatever inibuilds modeled matches ANY variant of the Mu2. Cockpit layout, specs, procedures are all completely unrealistic. It is by far the worst inibuilds product ever and the cockpit texures certainly don’t help the cause.

I just did one in the updated version yesterday. Around 309KTAS @18000 this seems to be around correct for the specs online,315kts is what it should cruise at
 this model is a MU2b-20


Inibuilds wouldn’t be the first developer to model a variant with no performance specs online!
Ha! Just seen JV8R’s post - so it’s an MU2b-20 then

I binned it again, it’s just not worth the free time spending it on this

Thanks Bishop398, as soon as I read your reply the penny dropped and I had a very good idea of the issue.
All fixed, thanks for your reply.

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Need some help with dimming the Garmin glass cockpits. I’m able to drill down to the Aux pages and adjust the display brightness but
 it doesn’t seem to make a difference on the screens. Also, biggest issue is that the brightness starts out at 8000 and the Garmin inner / outer knobs adjustments are way too fine.

Anyone know how to make the Garmin adjustment more course? Thanks!

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Maybe some are confused by the published specs since those are usually TAS not IAS shown on the instrument?


Why does the MU2 show up in the propellor category of Aircraft Selection and not turboprop?

You need to go to content manager and update to the latest patch

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Hello @oldpilot54,

This was an error in the initial release of the MU-2. It was corrected in the update released on Thursday.

  • Fixed the MU-2 being miscategorized as Propeller in the aircraft selection UI. It is now correctly categorized as a Turboprop.



I’m sure you’re correct. This PDF was previously posted but I’d suggest that the iniBuilds/MS version could be the MU-2B-26 on that chart.

If you go to the weight and balance page in MSFS you’ll see that the sim shows an empty weight of 6085 lbs. and MTOW of 10,520 lbs. The empty weight matches the chart, but it also shows 10,520 lbs. as the “Max Ramp Weight” not MTOW. Maybe an oversight, maybe intentional, who knows. The “Useful Load” on that chart also matches up with the sim (zero out the fuel on the weight and balance page and then look at the “Max Payload”, 4435 lbs.)

Using the MU-2B-26 specs then, it shows the “Max. Cruising Speed” to be 365 MPH or 317 KTS. The chart doesn’t give an altitude for that speed, but at FL230 and max power, the aircraft will fly at +/- 310 KTS. That’s ground speed from the GPS but I don’t have any wind set up in the weather settings so the ground speed would also be the TAS, which is what the specs would be referring to.

Given the limited testing I did, I think the performance seems reasonable. It certainly seems capable of flying at appropriate speeds for a given altitude. Maybe that’s setting the bar kind of low, but I know where to go if/when I want more complexity than that.