Famous Flyer 07: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MU-2

Pitot cover? wheel chocks? etc?

Quite interesting that the chart listed cruise speed in MPH :joy: I actually wouldn’t have noticed it if not for your conversion there.

Found a few more bugs when starting in flight

  1. Electrical Inverter is off causing both GPS units to be off at start of flight - This seems to be the case also after “Auto Start Engine” is used.
  2. Autopilot is on by default
  3. Turn indicator starts turning left

Still testing but also seen situations where it’s not possible to turn off altitude hold without turning off the whole autopilot. Will update once I’ve figured it out.

Not sure if this is intentional but Left Radio Stack Switch is on for a cold start but Right Radio Stack Switch is off. Just like with the inverter, this isn’t switched on after a auto start engine is used:

Yep got the update when it came out but, still showing in prop types

I got the update but, still in the wrong category.

It’s not Flight Simulator if people aren’t complaining about every little single thing


iniBuilds, please. Can you set the speed gauge to KIAS instead of GS or TAS?
I’m enjoying so much this plane. Of course are some bugs, I trust you’ll fix it ASAP. Many thanks.

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Is anyone getting a very weird effect when landing on this plane? It seems ini tried to reduce the floatiness / ground effect but the result is that as soon as the plane touches down or is very near to touch down it sticks to the runway like glued. Something slightly similar happens on takeoff but with flaps and trim can be mitigated.


You are quite correct. Silly me - I trusted the release Notes without verification.

Rather know the truth than pretending everything is fine. It’s called sharing information.


Exactly as long as long it is done in a way to improve the product, everyone benefits.

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Apart from the still horrible sounds of the plane, there are at the moment only 3 minor things that bug me:

  • The “Radio Lights” knob is inop, but I can live without it, have to use the cabin light at night

  • The “EFB”-smartphone. Would be nice to have the option to hide it or turn it off/dimm it

  • The animation of the lateral front gear doors is wrong. The doors close again once the gear is deployed (should be more specific: The doors of the real plane do it, the doors of the MSFS one don’t do it)

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The feels on this is much improved with the patch. I also have traditional prop engine noises in the cockpit now. It used to be just the suction of the engine and the battery fans.

Outside engine noise still seems out of balance. Just a constant sucking of air.

Torque with the engines seems non existent. Little rudder is needed on takeoff and quickly throttling up in the air seems to exert very little force on the plane.

Plane now seems to lift off the runway vice being yanked into the air.

Much faster too. I actually have to pull the throttle back to about 30gph to keep from overspending the airframe.

Much improved! If they can tweak the sounds and adjust the engine torque we’ll be looking at a much nicer bird. Stall performance is still completely lacking
but I don’t plan to stall


It seems to be impossible to start the engines in cold conditions. Doesn’t matter if I try by the book or just press CTRL-E. There simply isn’t any fuel flow.

Tried that with live weather at different northern airports (eg. ESNX). As soon as you manually set the outside temps higher everything works as designed.

Can someone confirm this?



Just tried the same. Looked like once the outside temp was above zero, the engines started to crank

Looks like you can cut the fuel after their running, and they continue to run.

Once their shut down, they don’t seem to start again. Oil pressure goes to zero and never comes back up.

Edit: now it seems I can start them even in SAFE/STOP
but not in cold weather :joy:

I can confirm, it was impossible for me to start the engines at Yellowknife.


I’ve updated the plane but now under the modern setting, the top Garmin just reboots and reboots. The bottom will boot but not stay on. Anyone else having this issue? I can’t use the plane with this bug.

Do you have a honeycomb throttle?

I had the same behavior until I turned on button 47 on the throttle. It’s not actually married to anything though, but it still needs to be on otherwise the gps units don’t turn in.

Engines also need to be running it seems

Edit - button 47/46 is tied to Avionics Master 1. This has to be on

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If you installed the Garmins from the Marketplace, please uninstall them.

Every now and then (only with airplanes from iniBuilds) I have a bug with the AP in the external cameras. This bug was fixed in the last SU, but it now exists at least in the AN-225 and Mitsubishi.^No Beta