Famous Flyer 07: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MU-2

I tried to put on the heading button first and then - when I’m close to the track - engage the Route button. Works then. Thanks everyone!


Hello! I have another problem with this plane. After taxiing to and on the runway, I push the throttle forward and the plane begins to accelerate, but only to half the lever’s travel. Then there is no more acceleration. Seems like the engines are losing power. What can I do?

I can get the aircraft to follow a flight plan when the Garmin GPS is enabled. I simply set it up, hit AP + Nav and it’s fine.

However, once the AP is on it locks everything. I can’t climb or descend without switching the autopilot off completely, is this correct? I thought there was a way to manually set your climb rate and then the AP would hold this climb or descent?

Apart from that it’s a fantastic plane and very fast for its size :muscle:

Sounds like a hardware conflict? :man_shrugging: maybe more than one device mapped to those axes? I dunno. Throttle range doesn’t seem to be a problem for anyone else

Autopilot climb/decend is done via the trim.

There’s a 2 way switch point up and down on the ap panel. Press that in the direction you want to set your vs.


It’s not working on the AP panel below the throttle quad?

Would really love to hide away the smartphone, or at least turn off its screen.


OTOH it is a nifty little navigation cross check when flying with the classic panel on, much as one might use a smartphone IRL. Can we dim it down I wonder?

I’m hoping that Inibuilds will continue to patch this plane. It’s one of the most versatile aircraft in the sim!

I really, really would love the option to use the GTN750 mods (either TDS or PMS). I would also hope for a more modern autopilot box like the KAP140 or a Garmin GFC 500 (at least for the modern cockpit). Wishful thinking?


That worked :sweat_smile: thank you.

Should have looked a little closer!

Yep. 4th of December and no fix for this, engines won’t start in cold weather. Had to fly norther Norway route in summer conditions today.

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It might just be the starting of the engines. Once they’re started you should be able to switch back to live weather

Would be great but unlikely for anything linked to Asobo.

The impression I get is they want a level playing field for Xbox and PC players.

Plus it adds an extra level of support for the dev keeping up to date with the addon/mod. They probably don’t want the hassle at this price point.

Anyone correct me if any of the local legends/famous flyers provide such an option?

Just to clarify, are you saying that your physical controls do not match the cockpit controls, and you can use the mouse to more the throttle further forward that your hardware allows? Can you post images of your bindings in MSFS, both the axis you have bound, and any response curves you might have set?

Hello, I have full range with the throttle and the joystick. The thing is that this behavior only occurs when I taxi to the runway and then try to accelerate. When I start the flight on the runway it doesn’t occur.

Do you have AI co-pilot assistance enabled?

That’s unfortunately one of the downsides of Microsoft/3rd Party planes. Because they are budget-priced, developers aren’t compelled to add true third-party features. But what is worse is that any planes in the Famous Flyers (and to an extent, Local Legends) will be feature-light, and third party devs are unlikely to make competing aircraft available on the sim since they will undoubtedly have to charge more. I think this is why Microsoft/Asobo (mostly Microsoft, I believe) should either raise their cost for these planes (on PC, not Xbox) and provide more features or require the planes to ship with these advanced features at release. We’re stuck getting good planes rather than great ones.

I guess it could go two ways…

If a “light” aircraft is seen to be popular then this may encourage another dev to do a more complete effort.

This may explain why we getting at least 3 spitfires (I know they’re different marks) in the sim.

But also agree if there’s a cheaper version that does 90% of what people want there isn’t much point in developing something better for a select few.

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Interesting conversation, many valid points of view! I love the little (read inexpensive) MU-2 we got. It’s fast, fun to fly, and got updated based on my/our feedback shortly after launch. There are also other MU-2 variants that may be of interest if some developer sees market demand AND can find IRL example(s) to photograph, scan, whatever they need to do to bring out a detailed and quality model. Anyone know if there are any/many around that can be modeled? No idea here. We know from many developer posts that easy access to the real thing is what enables them to give us a quality model at the right price. I imagine that if one has to fly half way around the world to find example(s) of an MU-2 variant to model, it may not be cost effective to offer it to the sim market? Anyway, I would definitely purchase a higher end MU-2 if that project ever finds a home and comes to market for Xbox. Wish us luck there!

It’s not perfect but what I do know is that when I log in and see it sitting in my hanger it makes me smile!

Full of character and fills a bit of a gap we don’t currently have for an aircraft like that. Definitely good value and fun for 10 bucks.

Love blasting 4000ft/min out over the alps, please don’t change this!!

I know it’s unrealistic but good fun. Reckon this could get really decent with one more update.