Please use this thread to post your impressions and feedback about the Beechcraft Bonanza V35, available now from the in-sim Marketplace for USD $14.99. You can read more about this classic plane here.
If you have any bugs related to this plane to report, please create a new thread in the Bugs & Issues section of the forum.
seems like a nice model, but I’m not sure I’ll spend 20$CAD for basicaly the same plane that we already have
(havent seen the cockpit yet mind you)
The Bonanza V35 is not basically the same plane as the Bonanza G36 that currently exists in Microsoft Flight Simulator. In addition to its distinctive v-tail empennage, the V35 also has a conventional steam gauge cockpit compared to the modern glass avionics in the G36.
Well I love it and I’m getting it - downloading now! These releases so far have been decent quality, at a price you can’t really argue with, and I’ve been having great fun with them!
Edit: have to add, it would be nice if they could release those downloadable PDF manuals alongside with those releases … I’m still waiting for the Beech 18 one
A “solid” choice of an addon aircraft. A well-established manufacturer in the sim, and a well-established third party creator (who, I believe, has already released this very aircraft for other sims).
At first I thought it may be lost between the Staggerwing and the modern - FREE - Bonanza (which has a longer fuselage, something not mentioned in the posts above!). However, it is right up my alley as a fast, classic aircraft. And it may be interesting to have to “solutions” to the same “problem” in my virtual hangar, a 1930s one (Staggerwing) and a 1950s one (this). All in all, I am tempted to buy it, but have two questions:
- has it got an autopilot? - are the files encrypted?
Thank you!
It having an autopilot is great news, as it makes the plane more useable for my kind of “relaxed simming”.
As for the encrypted files, I hoped this may have changed along with the Premium and Deluxe aircraft. What a pity!
I have the BRSimDesigns V-tail Bonanza and it’s been great fun to fly, although imperfect and a bit buggy. I’m going to let this one slide for a while and see what reviews are like for it before making the leap. But I’ll seriously consider it.