Famous Flyer III: Beechcraft Bonanza V35

Yeah it’s not working or not working right. Will it be fixed? Who knows :unamused:

Isn’t this Market Place offering supposed to be in the : 3rd Party Addons/Aircraft ? Not here in General discussions as an announcement of a 3rd party Aircraft for sale ? That is where I would look for a new Marketplace Aircraft offering from a 3rd party. Maybe I have been looking in the wrong place ?

The Famous Flyers and Local Legends aircraft are published “first party” by Microsoft/Asobo so discussion for them goes in this forum. Has been that way since the first one.

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Thanks for that , much appreciated.

The V35 is something very special. I would be surprised if this isn’t in every hangar. After my initial flight I had to go sit in the hangar and stare at the tail for awhile. Then I had to take it back up to be sure I didn’t imagine it. Just loving this flight model!


Speaking of flight model, it’s probably in my top 5 favorite addons specifically when it comes to landing. Landing this one feels very good, I don’t know what it even specifically is about it. That burled oak panel freeware addon that came out recently is a nice touch as well.


Hello everyone,

We will be releasing an update to the Bonanza V35 later today. Please see below for the changelog:

  • The label on the fuel selector has been corrected to show the correct usable gallons.
  • The COM radio’s Transmission Mode knob is now operable.
  • The aircraft’s cruise speed as provided in the aircraft’s Hangar Description and Specifications panel are now aligned.
  • The altimeter now correctly indicates altitudes above 10,000 feet.



Great!!! Thanks.

Thanks! Any word on the barely functional attitude indicator?

Nice to see this getting patched. Has the ability to open the cabin door while airbourne been fixed? I haven’t had time to test. The window could only be opened on the ground but the door could be opened wide while airbourne at any altitude!

I hope they will also fix the Flood Lights. It is INOP and i cant see very well on night flights


Brah it’s right there.

“brah” I said 'ATTITUDE" indicator, NOT 'ALTITUDE" - i’m talking about the artificial horizon barely showing pitch angle


I would love to see a deeper chat about the tail dynamics. I wonder if they custom coded the tail behaviour. It’s very cool how the thrust vectors from the ruddervators cancel each other out during elevator and rudder bahaviour.

The thing that strikes me about the v35 is that you don’t really need to touch the rudders, much like the F-16, except on the ground. The F-16 achieves it with the computer FlyByWire system, but the v35 seems to do it with structural design.

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Well I once had a car where the needle could go below the “E” mark. Normally when the needle hit “E” it had fuel for some 50km left. Only when the needle was half a centimetre below the “E” you were in trouble :slight_smile:

In last Q&A was guy from Carenado. He said they made some coding to make it work like on real aircraft.

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Which unfortunately is a much non-info as humanly possible.

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Hello! I’ve flown some hours this wonderful V-Tail but I have 2 questions.

The trim wheel clickspot is bigger than it should be. When using the mouse wheel for zooming in/out, and if the pointer is in the wood panel located over the trim wheel (part of the trim is behind the panel), the simulator believes that I’m trimming the airplane. Is there a way of removing that incorrect clickspot?

Also, is there a way of using the RMI with a VOR? It would be helpful in DME arcs

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Check if you have Lens Correction ON, this sometimes results in inaccurate clickspot sizes. Otherwise, recommend opening a Zendesk, that’s the way to get a potential defect to Asobo, who will relay it to Carenado since they were commissioned to build this plane.

Lens Correction is OFF, I’ve sent a ticket in Zendesk, thanks!

And about using the RMI with a VOR, I guess it’s a real life limitation of the instrument