Famous Flyer III: Beechcraft Bonanza V35

Any modern private jet? lol

I really enjoy the V35 though. Personally, I doubt I’d pay for the BlackSquare treatment. It doesn’t need it. At least not nearly as much as many other planes.

These are all soulless and all look the same. :smiley:
Only the V35 looks like a baroque mansion living room.


I’d take a modern private jet interior over an old bonanza any day. Each to their own.

Just wait until I nail a deer trophy on the copilot instrument board, and an XBox is put in the glove box connected to the EFB.
You will change your mind quickly. :wink:

No thanks you can keep it.


What a fake bookshelf!

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If I had to sit in one to fly for a few hours, I’d take it in a heartbeat lol

However in a sim… I don’t care about flying them :slight_smile:

OK wow now I´m convinced: Other aircraft can look ultra-styled too.

Just look at these natural born chillers chilling at that fireplace hahaha epic :smiley: The guy on on the right side was gothic 30 years before gothic was even invented, and 10 years before the word waver was invented.
Does the cockpit has the same steam gauge style as this baroque clock on the fireplace? I would really like to see the cockpit please!

And the one with these neon-pink seats or whatever this colour is, isn´t this the private jet of Elvis Presley? I think I saw a video of some guy buying the old original jet of Elvis a few years ago on YouTube.

That is some of the guys from Led Zeppelin and the aircraft is the “Starship”, a Boeing 720 four engine jet similar to the 707.

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When a half-naked picture of your father-in-law appears on a flight sim forum :eye: :grin:


Ok folks, this thread has definitely gone off-topic. Let’s kindly get it back on track.


Has anyone else had problems with the cockpit floodlight not working? The floodlight dial won’t spin for me or turn on the floodlight.

INOP since released

It is Carenado.

Carenado are the flightsim equivalent of that nice budget white that you would never bring out at a fancy dinner but are fine for that casual BBQ with a few friends. Not fancy but not awful either.

Am i locked to the default GNS 530 in the V35, or can I access the PMS GPS? How to switch? (its installed - free version) Also, is there some hidden spot to start an ipad or similar? =P

Any mods for this aircraft out? =)

Personal Comments and Observations

You can replace the GNS with the PMS 750 but it requires installing the additional Community Mod “Jaydee’s 750 On Others.” You need both the base JD Mod and the specific Carenado V35B mod (both come in the JD Mod package). Find it on Flightsim.to.

Note the GNS Bezels remain. It’s not an issue since the PMS GTN750 is a touchscreen in real life.

There is no tablet with this aircraft.

This, all of Carenado made LL’s and FF’s don’t have tablets, unfortunately.
