FBW A320 Install issue

Thanks, I thought that having both was the issue, I didn’t realize the MSFS version wasn’t supported anymore!

Unfortunately, it’s still the same. :frowning_face:

It’s totaly outdated. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Pls follow these steps:

Ok. I’ll give it a try. Thanks.

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And … No.

Deleted all but the ‘work’ folder as per the clean install advice.

Reboot your computer and see if that will shut it dowm.

So to understand your problem. You installed the A32NX via installer successfully? And then you can’t load the plane (Fly button)?

@Watsi01 Yes that’s right. there’s a screenshot of how far it gets in my original post. It loads about halfway before telling me to close down the simulator and update.
If I leave it and get to press the ‘fly’ button, it starts to load as normal but then gets to around 90% and that’s it.

@TheSevenflyer Nope, 'fraid not.

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@Watsi01 & @TheSevenflyer

Well, I have no idea what happened but we got there eventually.

After installing yet again from the clean install routine, I let the loading screen progress to the ‘Fly’ button and tried it again. The loading bar filled completely after an inordinately long time, then after hanging on that screen for a cosmic age, the screen I’ve been waiting for finally appeared, i.e. the ‘Fly Now’ button. That resulted in the screenshot above.

I have no idea what portion of these solutions finally solved it but I suspect that it might have been the ‘clean Install’ routine.

That said I must thank @Watsi01 and @TheSevenflyer who displayed an incredible amount of patience in trying to solve this issue.

Thank you so much.

@FlyingPedal I hope something in this thread helps to solve your issue.

Oh, that’s great news.
It can take a while to load at times.

@seven flyer
Thanks, yes it’s a relief for sure. Yesterday I let it load by pressing the ‘fly’ button and waited for the progress bar to fill. And I waited, and waited … and waited. No further progress.

It’s no exaggeration when I say that I watched a couple of 45minute episodes of a TV series I’m streaming and came back to the same screen. I’ve never known such a long load time which is what prompted me to start this thread after exploring what was to my mind all avenues.

Especially with a new install since the wasm modules have to be rebuild.

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@Watsi01 Again, that’s another aspect that didn’t occur to me. Thank you for that sir. Most helpful. :grin:

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Hi there, I have a same issue and desperately need help please. I have re-downloaded flybywire dev & experimental mode ; I reinstalled the community folder as well as and it does help get me the A320 flybywire in to MFS2020. Can you assist me?

What are you having a problem with, can you elaborate?

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. And Memo on my previous message > please read*** It doesn’t help get me the A320 flybywire into MFS2020…

I have done a total fresh re - install of my MFS2020, but I have had issues to download A320 flybywire into MFS2020.

I’ve downloaded the flybywire installer and did all the steps ; i.e. : try different mode (stable, dev & experimental), I’ve also read and followed the instructions on deleting the community folder and start a fresh many times. I still don’t see the A320 Leap on MFS2020. Now in my content manager, I see it installed, but the plane doesn’t show part or Airliners list. Can you help further please?

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It won’t show up as “Airbus”, it should show up as “Fly by Wire Simulations”.
If it doesn’t, do you have any other addons installed?

I sure checked and didn’t see it as Flybywire simulation either. In terms of add-on I have uninstalled and deleted everything to my best knowledge. Except maybe the Flybywire add-ons(FSLTL TRAFFIC INJECTOR & SIMBRIDGE).

Did you ever download this aircraft through the Marketplace?