FBW A320 Install issue

I’m so sorry responding late. I can’t exactly recall. Would you recommend I try and download from the market place?

No, exactly the opposite.
If you did, and it is in the Official - One Store files, it would prevent the new install from being seen.

Thanks for the info. I installed the A32NX 3 years back for the first time and I don’t remember.Please How can I check and make sure I never installed from the marketplace?

Check in your …\packages\official\ folder if there are any leftover folders of the FBW A32NX. If there are some, remove them.

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I just search and find no flybywire in the official folder . I am sending some screenshot in case i ve missed communicated something.

Can you post a pic of the contents of your Community Folder?

Sure . Thank you

Is this a custom install location for the Community Folder?

I have no idea. Do you think this folder is in the correct location?I will send you another screenshot.

Do this to find where the sim is looking for the Community Folder:
Load up MSFS, and go to Options > General > Developers and turn Developer Mode on. Then, on the dev bar that will appear at the top of the screen, select Tools / Virtual File System, then the community folder location can be seen- hopefully that should be the same folder path as you’ve been using to put the A320 in.
Don’t forget to turn developer mode back off again, as flying hours aren’t logged when that is on.

I just went there. However, I did not see the folder “Watched Bases” . I clicked on the community folder and was directed to the same folder I previously sent.

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When you start the FSLTL traffic, does it show up in your sim?

Yes. I just checked. It’s working correctly.

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Ok, another test.
Try installing the Salty 747 from the FBW installer, and see if that shows up in the sim.

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And another thing, since you used the A32NX a long time ago (if I understood correctly) and I’m not sure if you know: a long time ago, the A32NX was a kind of extension of the default Asobo A320. But in the meantime (for a long time now), the FBW A32NX is a whole separate plane, which you won’t find with or near the Asobo A320 in the MSFS menu, but as a total separate aircraft.
(oh, I just saw Sevenflyer already said something like that in one of the previous posts)

I just did the install of salty… And guess what?

:slight_smile:Thank you so very very much the Sevenflyer. I am in the NX… I dont know what happened. But that was weird. I didnt even check if the salty b747 installed.:slight_smile:

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@Watsi01 . Thank you too

Well, I’m glad you found it. I was starting to run out of ideas!!

Good flights!!

@TheSevenflyer, Hi. I shut down MFS and when I restarted the plane is no longer there. :frowning: I re-followed (after de-installation of Salty747) and reinstall … and no joy at this stage. Do you know how to go around this permanently? thank you