FBW Fly By Wire a320 ILS questions

Now I’m really curious…I’m not seeing too many other people with this problem. I’ll screenshot it if it happens again. Thanks again both of you!

“too low, terrain” is the soft warning, “terrain, pull up” is the hard warning.

“caution, terrain” is just that, a caution.

Just checked my Honeywell Mk VI/VIII EGPWS manual:
“Too low, terrain” is only active with gear and flaps retracted and below 1000ft.

Is there an easy way to practice ILS…seems like when I load a game on a final everything gets wiped out and takes awhile to set up but suppose I’ll do that next time I play to master it better.

I’m used to dis-engaging at about 200 feet and am trying to master dis-engaging at 1000…I land it but swerve more than I’d like.

OK certainly an error because I landed every time except once when…I actually forgot the gear lol. It’s possible I didn’t have everything down at 1000 and the warning kept playing on a loop even after they will down but I think everything was full and down by 1000 ft…actually pretty sure because that is when I dis-engaged the auto.

The best way to set up an approach in MSFS (with the least amount of errors) is to choose the approach option from the flight planer.

If you forget the gear, you would/should receive a “too low, gear” warning.

So it should only sound that warning if I am below 1000 have the gear down but flaps are not full?

No. The “too low, gear” warning comes on if the gear is not down below 500ft.

“too low, flaps” if you are at conf 3 (or less) below 245ft (
except if you are landing with flaps 3 of course)

All of the above only if the Airbus warnings are in line with the standard EGPWS values.

No no no. ‘Too low terrain’ comes during take off when you don’t climb steep enough in relation to outside factors. ‘Too low flaps/gear’ is for aircraft not properly configured and ‘terrain terrain’ is the aircraft descending too steep.

As the ‘too low terrain’ is an alert that comes during takeoff it sounds like a bug. (but it might also be just a design flaw from a developer not investigating the difference between these types of alerts)

So the plane either thinks I am taking off…or I heard wrong and it is just saying terrain terrain if I am too steep…which I doubt but will ensure I heard right now time.

Sorry, that’s plain and simple wrong!

No. Here’s the quote from the manual.

Mode 4A is active during cruise and approach with gear up. This provides alerting during cruise for inadvertent flight into terrain where terrain is not rising significantly, or the aircraft is not
descending excessively. It also provides alerting for protection against an unintentional gear-up landing.

I think its probably ‘terrain terrain’ you’ve heard. Try remembering that on average during the Glidepath the 3 degrees angle translates to about 600 to 800 feet per minute. If your VS-indicator gives you about that value, you’ re doing fine. It’s oke to deviate a little as you maintain your descent path, but not too much.

Now as you always prefer others to do googling for you :wink:


As has been proven numerous times, skybrary isn’t a reliable source.

If you don’t believe what the original Honeywell EPWS manual says, well, that’s not my fault.

Try and refer to real Airbus, Honeywell etc. manuals and not google.

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Yeah oke… :joy:

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Regardless, though, both of those “too low terrain” messages on the manual would require I have my gear up right?

This user seems to have gotten with flaps 3 not setup correctly (I am doing full) (Tarrain too low warning in A320 fly by wire)

I am wondering though if it was actually a “terrain, terrain” error and I was too focused on fixing the lateral angel to notice.

Ok, I’m staying away from discussions with you.
It doesn’t make any sense if you aren’t able to provide reliable info.


@jkbaden4638 I’m out, sorry about that.


No worries, thank you for the help!