Fenix A320 how to input pre departure clearance in FMC page


as part of my normal procedure inputting the FMC info I head over to the AOC page, FLI INT, and import my flight.

The only other thing I do in the AOC menu is request the METAR info in the WX page.

Today I explored and went into the “pre depp clearance” page and noticed there was some info needing imputed like “gate” and “ATIS code”. The last Orange box needing info was a “station”. Then at the bottom is a “send” option.

Does anyone know what they mean by station or where that info would be? Also what this page is dedicated purpose.

I realize this isn’t necessarily needed to fly or even matter but it’s a small bit of emersion that is cool to do.

Thanks for any help!

I haven’t used that part of the Fenix, so apologies if incorrect, but it is probably the Hoppie integration, e.g. How do I get HOPPIE ACARS CODE? (fenixsim.com)

There’s a tutorial and some explanation of CPLDC and Hoppie here - MSFS Tutorials | ACARS (CPDLC) with the Hoppie server | Simvol

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Have you registered for a Hoppie ACARS code

You may want to read the Fenix KB.

You can also check out FlyByWire manual as it’s the same system pretty much.

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I have not applied for a hoppie ACARS so I will do that so I can receive messages. Question, I don’t fly on vatsim or anything would this still work?? Sorry if that’s a dumb question but I read somewhere it was for when there is like ATC to actually respond to you.

If I could still use this not flying vatsim or anything and get message reply’s that would be awesome!!

Thanks for the help!

There is no use if you are not flying on VATSIM or IVAO, that is what it was designed for.

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Doesn’t creating a flight plan in MSFS or externally populate the box for you?

In the real Bus, if you have CPDLC you can upload the clearance. Without it, you can datalink the company’s plan, but it’s not necessarily what you are cleared for.

Without either, you are hand jamming it into the box. Not a horrifying amount of work.

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Thanks for the replies. I am not flying VATSIM or online at all so I suppose there isn’t any real purpose for me to use this.

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I have a problem regarding de CPDLC, when i send my pre dep clearence the message goes through because i can see it in the hoppie website, however when its time to recieve a msg the fenix doesent get it, i se the ATC response in the hoppie’s website but i dont have it in the aircraft. That means i cant tell the atc that i have recieved the clearence and thus the cpdlc comms are dead from that point on. Anyone knows were the problem is?

Thank you

I had that issue once when my callsigns from the aoc page and the flight plan init page did not match up, because the system didnt recognize the message as it was looking for a different callsign