Fenix A320 vs FlyByWire A320

Can someone tell me what kind of little computer screen this is - and is it functional and switchable? :slight_smile:

It’s used to see who is outside the cockpit door before you open it. If I were to guess

Ah thanks for the info. The doorbell! And can it be switched on like that little camera screen of the Aerosoft CRJ?

Managed to program some overhead button to myu DIY

The humming noise you hear come from the ventilation and not the engines like you say in your video. So the ventilation in the cockpit cannot be heard outside, off course.
You can hear the same on the FBW version. It’s totally normal.

It’s OFF when only on batteries but if you energize from GPU or APU, it turn ON. (The plane must not be used on batteries only. Need GPU or APU during exploitation.)

Fenix and FBW version have advanced features and they are not appropriate for use in a “casual” context in my opinion. Don’t hesitate to document you a lot about systems and plane.

Hope it help you.

Thank you for your answer. It makes sense. A little confused about the following.

What does this mean with respect to my question please?
Fenix and FBW version have advanced features and they are not appropriate for use in a “casual” context in my opinion

Thanks again

It’s just my opinion. I’m sure, a lot of “casual” players (l’m not an expert) fly theses planes without major problems but in some cases the work can be “weird” for someone without knowledge.

In exemple:
You have 3 hydraulic systems onboard, Green, Blue and Yellow (respectively on left, center and right side).
The Green and Yellow are driven by each EDP (Engine Driven-Pump).
Each circuit operate different systems and the braking system is on the Green and Alternate Braking System on the Yellow.

With the informations above if you make a “Single-Engine Taxi”, you need to use the engine 1 and keep the engine 2 shutdown. If you doesn’t use the Yellow Electrical Pump, the Green circuit is under pressure but the Yellow circuit isn’t so you cannot have alternate braking system in case of failure of the green Hydraulic system.

A320 – Condensed Hydraulic System

It’s just an exemple and i didn’t go deep in the explications but it’s just to explain, these planes have advanced feature and working.
I see lot of people saying it’s “a bug” or “a problem” but in some cases it’s normal.
I’m not attacking somebody, just : Maybe something’s overtaking you and need to increase your knowledge.

Me too, i’m learning every days and for that, we need to be curious and have the time.
And that for that i’m saying these planes are (maybe) not for a “casual” usage.

Learning and searching take time and the people who just want to fly for the fun for few moments and relax after work can be embarrassed by these complexities.

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Airbus will soon approve the Fenix Airbus for real pilot training.

Pilots must spend at least 100 hours in the Fenix Airbus cockpit to get familiarized with all the deep aircraft systems and features and gimmicks - before sitting in these rather casual and not as detailed simulated Airbus simulators.


I wonder if these real A320 simulators have all the circuit breakers and deeper aircraft systems and hydraulic and pneumatic failures and other interesting things simulated! Or are these rather simple simulators only capable of exact flying by the book training without simulating anything else?

Which Airbus is better - the Fenix or one of these pilot training simulaturs? Has any of these real Airbus pilots on YouTube ever compared the Fenix with these real cockpit simulators?

I doubt what you say, can you prove it?

Professional simulators are dedicated machines and not a simple simulator with addons. Furthermore Fenixsim Limited does not authorize commercial use. It remains an entertainment software and not a professional software.

6.6. The Software may only be used by individuals in their capacity as consumers and private
individuals for their own private home entertainment use (and not any commercial, business or
professional use).

Source: https://fenixsim.com/assets/docs/Fenix%20Terms%20and%20Conditions.pdf

thanks for the info. I am certainly one of the “casual” users.

Is there any setting that I can use to mute this sound?


It has pros and cons. If the Fenix A320 performance issue is caused by ProSim then FenixSim can do nothing about it. Meanwhile, FBW is open source so basically everyone can make it better.

It’s funny how you can state this, while most of the points you state are indeed modeled in FBW and works the same if not better. I could try couple of hydraulics tests and show you it works better and it’s better modeled in FBW :wink:


My Opinion on the FENIX A320… Its a Bag of Rubbish. I have had no end of Problems from day 1 when I bought it for my Birthday 10 days ago. and please dont say Im wrong. many Streamers on Youtube stream it and say oh how Great it is ONLY because they get it FREE and then they start Knocking FBW who have gave us a FREE A320 and its awesome. I have seen many Posts saying that FBW will be like the FENIX before long anyway. so if I was you guys stick to the FBW A320. Why FENIX charge this much money for this plane is beyond me and its full of Bugs and you need to reset settings for it…SOD THAT. so thanks Fenix for a bag of Rubbish.

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And this tells me that you are not in the target group of customers.
Because you are not able to appreciate a great Addon, even if sits right in front of you.

Maybe you should have inform yourself better beforehand.


When you bring a Plane to market and sell it and then tell customers you need to make this and that in settings just to fly the thing NOO. When you sell that product should be in working order you should not have to make big changes in Flight simulator just for FENIX. …The FBW guys have been awesome with there A320 and there A320 will become the same as the FENIX in time. I see so many streamers Praising FENIX but knocking FBW. why?

I think it’s just most people compare products by comparing them side by side as is, without adding context or categorising them as the whole thing in greater detail.

In summary, if Fenix can do something, while FBW cannot both in its current state. It’s 1 point to Fenix.

Fenix has cabin, FBW doesn’t = 1 Fenix point.
Fenix has circuit breakers, FBW doesn’t = 1 Fenix point.
Fenix has animated break fans, FBW doesn’t = 1 Fenix point.

See where I’m going at here? Everything that Fenix has, and FBW doesn’t will be a score tipping towards Fenix. So when you add things up that Fenix has that FBW doesn’t. It’s a landslide favoring Fenix. Of course.

But when you start to dive in to detail into the context, one is freeware, one is open source, one is leveraging the MSFS SDK, the WASM, then you start to be able to normalise between how much effort and love goes into each aircraft. The development progress, their community engagement with the users, and their involvement with real life engineers, and pilots contributing to the project. It’s these aspects in a product development that is often forgotten because they’re not as visible as the final product.

Once you take all these into account, then it becomes harder to make a definitive choice between the two. Because they two are different and can’t be compared like-for-like without adding the context of their development, resources, and what they have achieved.


Hi Neo I know you speak some Sense so I believe that but I think in time FBW will get there so Now Im back to flying the FBW A320 I find it Better in my Opinion at the Moment. the Dissapointment has come because when Fenix released they expect customers to alter so many settings. for some thats not Easy you know, To be Honest Neo I would be willing to Pay for FBW and give them Guys some credit. Im not out to get freebies Id rather Pay for Quality and yes I have the Fenix but Im not flying the thing.

Yeah, and these developments have its own sets of challenges. One of the reason why I think Fenix requires the app to be running is basically because most of the simulations is done outside of MSFS itself. So the challenge that FBW team has faced is that they’re limited to the MSFS SDK tool and their talents having to work around these limitations. They’ve done wonderful job given the challenges that they face on a daily basis. But it can be slow because of these hurdles that they have to overcome to make the FBW as complete as possible. We know that we’ll get there eventually, I have no doubt. But it is a process and that takes time and our patience.

Fenix on the other hand, has a set of codes ready to go, and the challenge was to make it work with MSFS. And if those limitations need to be overcome by having the bulk of the simulations done outside, then it’s the path that they have to take in order to get this product out onto the market as soon as possible.

That’s the essence of marketing these days, if there’s a market, you have to be there “first” ahead of other people. It’s more attractive to have a product out first to start getting revenue and improve on the product as we go along, rather than holding out release until a later date where a competitor can get the jump on you and start taking market shares away.

We’ve seen this multiple times already. CaptainSim, Bredok3D, all capitalising on the gaping open market of Boeing aircraft in MSFS, just so they could be first on the market and have people buy their product. And we all know what their quality is like.

What settings are they expecting you to change?

I didn’t have to change anything.

There was settings that needed doing because it runs different to FBW one. whats annoying me it does not want to stay on the white line on take off keeps veering to the left. maybe one day hopefully I will be able to try it out !