Fenix A320 vs FlyByWire A320

I did encounter some bugs in release version but the patch did fixed all CTD for me. For change in setting wise I don’t think there’s much, just map my TCA quadrant with a different thrust axis and that’s all I need to do from FBW to Fenix, mcdu calibration is not that far from FBW efb calibration which I need to do anyway.

For me thus far flying daily after Fenix release it’s not perfect but far from rubbish. The loading issue is just solved by run both Fenix app and msfs as administrator which I did also to avoid FBW from occasionally unable to load. FBW isn’t that far from Fenix tbh for normal operation but if you look into the ecam you would see Fenix did force you to do things more realistically, like all those step by step error message when you are too quick to turn off APU after engine startup. And the various warnings. The thing I enjoy most is the terrain on ND which is still not available in FBW. I purchase this is because I want to try a study level airliner, where PMDG is not releasing a 800/900 which I like more for the size, and the Leonardo MD82 is a lot more expensive and textures are worse, so I purchased the Fenix and learning with enjoyment thus far

Couple of questions re the Fenix: Is there a way to speed up the time to align the IRS? Also, is there a way to be able to hear the PTU noise, like on the FBW version? Yes, I know there’s an argument that it can’t be heard in the cockpit, but in the older version (ie the CEO, the one Fenix has modelled) the PTU actually can be heard in the cockpit (albeit faintly).

Don’t change a thing! The FBW sounds fantastic! Especially with a subwoofer under my desk!

There is one small thing that could be tweaked. I’ve noticed during takeoff, when throttles go to FLEX/TOGA, as the N1 rises, the engines lose their audio stereo image, and transition to monaural. I think it would sound great if this was not the case.

You’re mistaken. There are no settings that have to be changed to run the Fenix. For me installation was dead easy. Just ran the installer, ran MSFS and fly. The Fenix is far better of a simulation than the FBW and IF FBW ever gets close it will not be for YEARS at best.

It sounds like this kind of addon is not for you. I suggest sticking to aircraft $30 or less in the future.

I wonder where the “YEARS” estimation comes from :slight_smile:

FBW is mainly missing a 3D model and a proper ecam completely simulated. This is already in the work so not that far ahead.

There are obviously things missing, but the standard statement of “anyway systems are all basic and simplified on the FBW” is as wrong as it is annoying really.


Experience. Just wait, you’ll see.

The Fenix is currently the hands-down best simulation of an A320 in any simulation platform that exists or has ever existed commercially. For those of us who care about such things.

You are obviously not in that group and should not buy such aircraft. I definitely recommend you wait for the FBW instead.

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mdapol we all have our Views OK we are not here for an Argument! Many of us Love the FBW A320 and the FBW guys gave it us for FREE. Like i said before i would rather pay for the FBW A320 because these guys have worked so Hard getting it out and giving it to us. And I have seen lots doing Streams LIVE knocking FBW why? answer that. FENIX yes I purchased it so flaming what. Id pay anything for a good aircraft BUT at the moment I will not use Fenix its simple. so lets not start arguments in the Forum OK.

FBW will be as good as FENIX your see and I have seen many comments on this Forum saying so.

Both are great on their own. Texture wise externally I can’t tell when it is 8K other than FBW has more of a shine versus Fenix is matte. Cockpit the edge goes to Fenix and FPS is almost the same depending on your PC and settings.

I care a lot about systems simulation, and that’s why I’m sure FBW will be at top level :slight_smile:

That’s why instead of waiting I’m actively developing those :slight_smile:

Not an expert, but that’s a bold statement. I think the FSLabs version is at least as much appreciated and simulation level wise certainly on par when I see real world pilots prefering that one over the Fenix one.

What settings did they expect you to change? 1 or 2 settings in the App…oh big deal. Sorry if you are adverse to changing 2 settings, adding a few things here and there such as simbrief, I really dont get how you are going to get on with a plane where you need to change settings?

If it keeps veering off the line as all planes will due to wind, turn on Auto Rudder.

You are making mountains out of mole hills, and throwing your toys out of the pram because you expect everything to be easy and work as you want! Well sorry in a sim with very different planes your settings especially control settings WILL CHANGE that’s what profiles are for!

FBW is already 80% maybe more as good, nobody disputes that, their EFB is world class.But for an A320 CEO with everything modeled, yes even things FBW are yet to get to which is not much FENIX is the best or one of the best, whichever way you view it. What I do know is that the FSLabs A320 can really be used for Line Training, weather that matters or not I dont know, but this comparison you have going on is futile and screams I cant get it to work so I will dog on it!

So comparing because you cant make it work and I doubt will take the time to ask and try is your problem.

I’m sure FBW will eventually be top level. I never said it wouldn’t.

hey mate Im to mature to be throwing toys out the Pram. I speak how things are. I have made it clear FBW is the best. and it will get even better. some Live streamers I have seen running FBW down Just because FENIX hit the market its really not a JOKE. if anything theres to many here dont Respect what FBW are doing , soon as they release the A380 many will be all excited yes I will for sure BUT I wish FBW would start charging for there work. Fenix knocked there plane out to quick as you can see bugs Galore. and dont say im wrong!

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Sorry you are wrong. List out all that is wrong please with the FENIX?

Also you are the only one comparing, nobody else. You cant take each one for what it is, and if you read my posts you will see what i have said about the FBW.

You dont know what you are doing that’s the problem, and there are many here that can help you, if you just asked.

So are you up to the challenge? List out what is wrong with it please? and at this stage You are wrong, very wrong!

Hello everyone.

This is a reminder to keep posts constructive, on-topic and friendly.

Thank you for your understanding.

You can’t turn on Auto Rudder on the Fenix, because the aircraft disables all assistance settings and you can’t enable them, except for a few QOL assistance like ATC or Taxi Ribbon.

Thats correct Neoking. I have noticed Neoking when I go into Fenix I get a box message about that Flight assistance ? I know when I had that problem before with the fbw a320 you pointed me into the right Direction and that works fine on the fbw.

Is there a “special” reason all the “real Airbus pilots” suddenly switch into some stupid passenger view or outside view or look outside the windows to the gate whenever the turbines are started since two days in all YouTube videos - instead of looking at the N1 N2 and EGT Eject Gas Temperature indicators on the TFT screen while the engines spool up and stabilize like every real pilot would do? :wink:

And after engine 1 start is initialized switching immediately to some random outside or passenger window view as soon as the fuel valve behind the thrust levers is clicked instead of looking at the cockpit screens takes place.
Followed by some - video CUT - and both engines are suddenly running fully stabilized after the cut, and the taxi begins.

No, I am sure this must be pure coincidence and has nothing to do with the EGT indicator gauge rising for almost half a minute after the engines are already running and stabilized, a severe bug some real Airbus fans with real systems knowledge have mentioned here in this Forum and on YouTube :wink:

They are doing that, because they never see those turbines in real life during startup :face_with_hand_over_mouth: