Fenix EFB Navigraph Charts Not Displaying On External Device

This seems to have recently stopped working for me.

I have the Fenix A320 EFB being used on an External Device (iPad).
I can use all systems like loading, departure and arrival calculations.

On the map page… I know about (and have accepted) that the route map has the route indicator, but not the background map. I hear there is a fix coming for this.

However, recently the Airport maps, Ground, Dep, Arr, and App do not work.
If I click on the Departure or Arrival airport tab to try to expand the map options, it does nothing.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Wondering if it’s a “setting” that I have screwed up… can’t imagine what it could be.

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You may be interested in this thread:

Thank you but my issue is in addition to that.
The route map has always been black and it’s a know issue.

My problem is with accessing Ground charts, Approach and Departure charts… I can not access them from the menu.

Yes, this is not the same as the “known” issue with the Route map, this affects the individual charts.

The last time this occurred it was actually an issue on Navigraphs side, but it was also not working in the Virtual Cockpit either, so this is somewhat different.

Wonder if a recent iOS update broke it, I am going to try from another PC and an older iPad which doesn’t have recent updates.



Just tried from an older Ipad and my laptop on various browsers, same issue.

I have posted the issue to Fenix.

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I have just tried to replicate this on my ipad, and mine is the same that you can’t bring up the maps or charts when clicking on say the airport in the EFB Navigraph tab. It does however work on the EFB in the cockpit and you can see the full maps and charts.

I never knew these charts were there! Personally I view the maps and charts via the Navigraph app on my ipad. If you have a Navigraph account I would suggest viewing them this way. (But don’t view them whilst the aircraft is loading otherwise the loading in the EFB will pause).

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Thank you guys for confirming that you can replicate this issue. This gives me some comfort that I didnt somehow mess it up.

I will use Navigraph on the ipad in the mean time as that is a viable workaround.

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Same here. I checked the console in the browser and found that some resources on the Navigraph’s server are blocked by the CORS policy of the browser.

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Looks like they got it resolved today, working again now on my iPad.

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Yup… you are right… seems like you can once again get to all the airport related charts.


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