FFAI - Complete AI Traffic add-on coming soon for MSFS

I still get that number.

hmm, server and time you play?

I notice at some times, like frankfurt early morning sunday I had 223 in the airport but never again saince sunday.

Yesterday I had 28 in Dallas, but not today. I was getting over 35 2 weeks ago.

ok look at my sscreenshots. VFR is small so you will need to zoom. You will see as I spawn into KJFK 15+ aircraft present(2 are actually in airport)

About a minute later, look at second screenshot, you will see that 2/3rds of the aircraft that you saw on screenshot 1 have disapeared. We are talking in a minute or less. You can see my pc time lower right corner. This is one of the new bugs since the 16th (black wednesday some call it)

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3rd screenshot a few minuytes later
ZERO aircraft in the air. 3 are spawned in the airport and a 4 just landed though. But where did the other 15+ go?

They were on direct routes to Newark and LGWA

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Do you know anything about when it goes on sale 

I will believe in it when I see it, we’ve been hearing this for a long time now 


A huuuge step forward, that’s what it is, thank you!
Could you please give us an aprox ETA? 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months?

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This was first announced on here a week ago and has generated a goodly number of replies.

But there has been no further information, post or otherwise since. Now hopefully the developer is very busy getting this ready, but the lack of response is not encouraging.

So, @FFAI3812 how about giving us an answer, ANY answer, just to prove this isn’t in fact pie-in-the-sky?

Sorry to be so sceptical but ???

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If it is months away, then no point as AIG will probably come out sooner. But days or weeks, it will be good to keep people busy with some kind of AI Traffic in the sim.

What makes you think AIG will come out sooner? A look on AIG’s forums and they seem pretty pessimistic overall about MSFS, basically until Asobo fixes some stuff that we won’t see anything in any official capacity from AIG.

If you do want AIG to hurry up and release something I suggest everyone who reads these forum posts goes over and upvotes the threads that they call out.

They hope to by end of year.

 Just reading their thread it sure feels like they have more “we hit a snag” posts than “we made a breakthrough” posts.

But it is the most promising sounding for sure.

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I am saying it will come out sooner if this add on takes months to come out, but I still believe that FFAI will most likely be out before AIG.

I did create a thread about AIG that has 500+ votes so I think that might have helped, hopefully now that they are in contact with Asobo all I am saying is that it could come out sooner than you think.

hope that another product will come where is not from AIG.

What’s wrong with AIG? you can’t get any better than AIG.

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3 years, maybe, if lucky.

there is a good one on flightsim.to.


which one?

tried searching of one but couldn’t find it

Search for “Model Matching”.

found it but requires VATSIM which is not intererested :confused: