Fighter Pilot model in F/A 18


I saw a couple of screenshots with a fighter pilot model in the F/A 18. Here I see the civilian ones in the cockpit (outside views).

In fact I tried switching the pilots models but for some reason, I can’t see the previews of the pilot anymore in the menus as I used to


I cannot see previews either. To get the fighter pilot, switch to default in the pilot menus.


After struggling to find the correct avatar, I set the Pilot to “Default.” After that, I still couldn’t se the correct avatar.

However, after quitting and restarting the sim, the pilot was a correct helmeted military jet pilot.

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The avatar not displaying is a bug. See this thread.

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Yes, I believe there’s a glitch in the menu when it comes to the pilots previews unless it was disabled (I doubt).

I set it to default but it did not change, however I understand now that we need to restart the sim to get this preview. I believe this is a glitch as well…

In fact, the ideal user experience for the fighter model, is to have a setting in the aircraft config where we can tell if this aircraft needs a fighter or civilian 3D model and this will be set automatically.

Otherwise for those who create online content they need to remember resetting it every time they switch from civilian to military…

I would love to see some other, more vintage, pilots available in MSFS.

I’ve been hit or miss on this issue as well.

I agree. However, clever developers have been able to work around it. The FlyingIron P-38L has a leather jacketed WWII pilot complete with period-appearing oxygen mask and helmet. Even before the F/A-18 was released by Asobo, DC Designs has had modern miljet pilot avatars for their F-14 Tomcat and F-15 Eagle aircraft.

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