Seriously, what they were thinking when they did not include a filter?
I’d agree that selecting runway type, hard or not; runway lighting and precision landing capable destinations would be useful. Just like Neofly 4 basically.
If destination runway length is included in the mission data, you could always sort by it, ascending or descending, if the user feels that they’d prefer a larger margin for error.
However, I’d suggest that removing impossible missions would be one for the mission spawning process. That would include destinations where the runway is too short for the aircraft in question; S&R missions where a landing within range of the target is simply not possible; stupidly windy weather; IFR conditions for VFR missions etc.
I like to fly the same plane for multiple missions when in Career mode so I can improve by familiarization and repetition.
If I could filter the missions to a specific plane that I want to fly for a session that would be nice.
As it is now I have to click on all the missions looking for the ones with the plane I want to fly.
A simple filter by type would be great too, I don’t want to see all types of missions at the same time.
I’ve been using fast travel, spending around 700-800cr at a time, to extend the open area of the globe and it is quickly becoming clear as to how essential this feature is going to be.
If anyone were to open up even 10% of the globe, there’d be literally thousands of missions. Of course, you wouldn’t be able to see them all, without panning and zooming the map, but if you were trying to find a rare mission, finding a needle in a haystack would quickly become more attractive.
This must be on their list of things to do, surely?
Yeah I wish could filter on ifr capable destination.
I’ve resulted to filtering missions by only owning the aircraft required for the mission type and selling everything else, it hurts the broken passive income system but allows me to only see the types of missions I want to fly while in freelance mode.
Absolutely - my number one request!!
It’s so frustrating trying to find the mission type that I want and you have to click on each to check if it’s plane / helicopter and also check that it’s not the DHC-2, which at least 50% of my missions seem to use and I hate flying!
Yes please. After you get a few certifications and open up different missions types, it’s simply impossible to keep track of what you want to fly.
I think they should at least be filtered by:
- revenue
- flight time
- aircraft type
- mission type
Yes pls. I just unlocked only like 4 specializations so far and already the mission list is annoying to watch.
Like why theres no some basic filters or sorting like mission type, credits lenght etc?
Please, this is a hell. I’ve just created a sightseeing company to improve my income and suddenly my mission map has filled with 100+ missions I will never do.
At least the filter by mission type is completely necessary.
I would add:
Specifying a minimum runway length
Runway lighting.
I found these two of the most important filtering options in OnAir
I agree by mission type and Plane type would be good just like the OP once I unlocked tail draggers that’s 90% of what displays now, well before the Mission bug came to be, but it would certainly be nice to sort by time/distance/plane/job type
Especially aircraft. There are some aircraft that the controls and flight characteristics are just horrid. It seems like those are the ones that are completely populating all the missions well when career missions are actually working that is.
Developers: Lets add a filter. What should we let them search by?
Product Manager: Airport code of course.
Developers: Most airports don’t have jobs, especially for a specific business.
Product Manager: I said airports!
Good thing is, since two days missions got sorted out XD
No, seriously, filter is heavyli needed…
At least:
Type (ferry,…), Length (got somebody of you after 3.5hrs in a helipad with a cessna?)
Would be good:
Revenue, light/material
What absolutely nobody needs is Airport code XD
The game is already filtering missions, you only see employee missions for the certifications/spe you have unlocked, you only see freelance missions for companies that have aircraft even if mission type is unlocked, switching from employee to freelance tab is filtering… so the pieces are already there, why don’t we have a simple UI box to choose mission types ?
Wouldn’t filtering using a list make things more useable, as having to constantly zoom in and out to find missions is hardly user-friendly?
Another benefit of using a list is that you should also be able to easily sort, by any mission attribute.
As it stands, the list only appears to include missions that have been revealed, by zooming, on the map. It’s not a technique I’ve seen elsewhere and for me is not overly useable.
And please allow us to toggle off the ‘feature’ that recentres the world map as you scroll through the missions, thereby recalculating the missions available… and re-writing the list!
Yes this is a very necessary feature. In a short time with the career you quickly get too many missions without a way to sort them.