Finally! SU4 added a Splash Screen!

Well lets hope she doesn’t come back…lol

I’m just being sarcastic…but only Asobo / Mircosoft can find a way to make even a loading screen, buggy…lol


I almost always have the Task Manager running. As soon as you click the icon, CPU load jumps. You can also look at the Processes list - before it’s on-screen, you’ll find MSFS in the list of background processes. As soon as the initial black screen appears, the listing jumps to the “Apps” list.

I suggest you would be a minority.
I seldom use the task manager for anything other than booting an offender.

I dare say that the majority of PC users have no idea where or what it is. I have at least one person a week that has never heard of CTRL/ALT/DEL.

I prefer to have a program indicate its willingness to comply, the moment I ask it to start.

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I’ve been keeping Task Manager running in the background since Windows 2000 Pro. I mostly use the Hide When Minimized option and just have the CPU mini-graph in the tray, but open it back up when I need to watch other loads or get processor temps.

Interesting discussion, there.

Now, just to inject a little of MY mumbo-jumbo to this discussion. I have found in the past, although I never really thought much about it that whenever I had an issue with some app/program hanging and did the 3-finger salute and brought up the Task Manager, not infrequently the issue would completely clear on its own.

In retrospect I suspect that there were probably some resource allocations or interrupts or some such thing that got cleared in the process of running the Task Manager.

Bottom-line: I think you might be on to something there, tclayton2k!

@tclayton2k @TallestParsley2 I guess the issue is really mostly a “me” thing. I sometimes double click, but for whatever reason my tempo is all wrong. (Have the same problem on the teebox, but there I get pretty immediate feedback, usually the sound of ‘friends’ laughing) Sometimes it makes no difference and whatever I asked to run fires up so no damage done.

MSFS can take 20-30 secs (never really counted) before I see any indication that it is responding. Due to the load time, I often start the process and then go get a beer or have a pee, or both and come back to the menu, ready to go. If I had one of those ‘tempo’ issues, I need to stand and wait to see if I was successful (should have counted at some point, I guess). On occasion I figured I had screwed up and did it again, only to come back from the fridge (that’s where I get the beer, not pee) to a message box telling me that MSFS is already running.

Definitely prefer an immediate response.

I semi solved my issue (starting the sim, got others I am still working on) by moving the shortcut to the task bar so I only have to click it once.

Still wondering what happened to the short-lived MSFS splash screen from yesterday!

I usually use the launch time to do most of the same things! I sometimes include a bag of popcorn to munch on during the cruise phase. And Richard, do you by any chance have a relative named Francois?

Really slipping off-topic, here, but yes I do have several Francois relatives from the 1600’s back in France.
Might even have a few relatives working for Asobo, today.

Splash Screen? That is the most notable thing this update had to offer this “Game”… :rofl:
Lot of fluff.

haha agree ! imagine having all the time of the world…

and euuhm… haven’t seen any splash screen so far… As usual, I get the black screen for a while, then a little box saying my hardware is insufficient and may give errors :cat: and then… it starts out with the Asobo and Blackshark splashes etc… as before. I run the Store version of MSFS and on startup, I run in Windowed mode (not full screen)

Yeah, I don’t think anyone is getting the initial splash screen, anymore.

But the little box saying hardware is insufficient? Nope, I don’t get that one.

You don’t happen to be running nVidia Experience, do you? If so, that might be triggering the insufficient hardware box. Most folks I know recommend against running nVidia Experience.

Nope… don’t have Experience installed. I run a HP Envy here with MX330 GPU. This little board can run DX-12 in the initial version, but not with Ray tracing and Mesh shading options. I’ve seen this since installing MSFS late October 2020,


I think that message is basically because of the MX330 GPU…It’s not really a “gaming” GPU but fine for work / casual game stuff…You can scroll through this page for an overview and gaming benchmarks…You may also want to run in full screen mode to get more FPS out of it…Windowed mode take a performance hit, especially with something like FS running…

This looks like something that the simulator itself is telling you. If everything is working ok, then you should probably just ignore it.

Issue is… there is no printscreen key on this thing. So I use the Windows taskbar to access that… and lots of times access more tools… e.g. when working with SDK it is handy to have Blender start at hand. This full screen mode is not handy for me, I need the Firefox browser as well. I know full screen gives me 1-2 Fps extra. I set it ingame sometimes, when I am on a longer flight.

I forgot to put the link in that I was talking about…

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Ow I do ignore it, click and proceed. I have no CTD’s or other problems (except performance of course)

Thx for the link, @aloper5