Fireworks for July 4 (Night time only) - THANK YOU MS/Asobo!

It’s July 4 and America celebrates her independence. I just departed from KOKC and changed the sim to night and saw fireworks here and there along my route.

Very cool!!! Thank you Asobo/MSFS! Will try to capture it shortly.


Yes, a nice ‘touch’ from Asobo. Well done. Good to see :slightly_smiling_face:

And that’s from a Brit!


Curious, have you seen them yet in sim? Are they all over the globe or just USA?

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tried it with Manhattan 10pm local time (Juyl 5th, 2AM UTC) could not see any fireworks

same here over lax and sfo. no fireworks at 10pm july 4th local

I also changed the time in my sim, no fireworks seen. Will try again later

I saw them over San Antonio, by adjusting the time.


10PM local time?

Yes, 10 PM Local Time, July 4.

is that easter egg PC only?

No, I use an Xbox Series X for my flying.

Yes this is a nice touch by asobo, I was wondering if we can have something similar for Bangladesh and other countries to coincide with their respective national day holidays.

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I took-off from KSEA last night right at sun-down and just as I was rotating the fireworks started, it was an awesome surprise. They actually look great and no performance hit. They show up all over above urban areas.


Yes, fireworks over New York at 10PM local time.

What the heck Asobo? It’s 2200 over Detroit and nothing. I didn’t even get small arms fire let alone fireworks.


Check the day, dunno why but mine was on 5th instead of 4th, had to change.

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Fireworks in New York. 10:00 pm. :+1:

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Denver 8:00 pm
Should’ve had the cabin lights on…

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OH FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY. Why when I click on live time, does it make it the 5th?
Checked, changed it to the 4th, and it works.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: