Fix Airport Beacons

While there is another post which contains a similar request for fixing airport beacons, it has multiple other issues tied to it.

So, for clarity, I’m creating one post to specifically address airport beacons at night.

Airport rotating beacons are not seen beyond a few miles from an airport. If you depart from one airport, and there are other airports nearby, you will usually only see the beacon for the airport you’ve departed.

In a busy metro area like Phoenix, one can visually see multiple airport beacons for miles around. Also, at cruise flight, you should also see rotating beacons at a distance as well. If anyone has X-Plane, you will know what is possible in the sim environment.

I’m sure there are compromises but would love to see the beacons sorted for more immersive night flight. Please vote if you agree.

Any progress with this… Please fix it.

It looks like they have done some tweaking to the lighting fx, but it still only starts showing up when you’re only a mile and a half or so from the airport. iniBuilds – 3MI2 South Fox Island Airport & 6Y3 North Fox Island Airport addon (payware) has a lighthouse at the south end of South Fox Island that has a functional rotating light that strongly effects the objects near it. The range is still a bit limited, but that may be a msfs limitation.

I like that lighting is subdued in msfs now especially in day time where before airports were way to easy to find (I used to disable airport lighting for daytime VFR in FSX), but they need to treat the beacons differently — they are designed to be seen from afar. Hope they fix the beacon lighting for night VFR. It is a bummer right now.