Fix Controller profiles (Missing or Corrupting)

This was a common problem throughout the Alpha/Beta process.

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the bindings of the standard profile of my x52 pro are somehow completely blank and can’t be reset to standard. Aditionally, I can’t even reasign them properly anymore.

Furthermore my Keypad won’t be recognized anymore (speedling SL-6566) and lost it’s bindings too, so I’m left to play with keyboard and mouse.

Yep, I cant stand the inverted camera controls in External camera, but any controller change is forgotten on the next launch. Why there isn´t a simple “invert X/y” like in any other game is beyond me.


experiencing the same issue with a saitek yoke. In my case it even resets as soon as I leave the options screen after saving & going back.

Has anyone managed to resolve it?

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I restart the game and it works. Just DONT look at the controls before hand. Just restart the game as soon as you see that they are back to default and your custom controls will come back on the second try. I think it fails to download the configuration or something on initial boot up of the game.

I have set up custom mappings on my X Box controller to only control the drone camera and all other mappings deleted. Saved the custom profile as X Box_Drone. All works well at first but after some time playing MSFS 2020 I find that it automatically has deleted my custom X Box Drone profile and converted it back to the default mappings? Getting to be a real hassle having to always redo the mappings. Anyone else experiencing this type of issue ? Any idea on how to fix to keep the custom mappings permanent would be much appreciated.

Is your xbox controller wireless and if so, does it sometimes shutdown during a flight? I’ve had all sorts of issues with the ridiculous power-saver that cannot be turned off.

It is wireless and does occasionally shutdown in game but why should I lose my custom bindings for the drone camera is what bothers me !

I just found this issue out too. If you have a wireless controller and it goes to sleep sometimes, not all the time, but for the past day or so, when it goes to sleep MSFS considers it a USB device disconnect and MSFS doesn’t like USB connects and disconnects when running.

When it automatically reconnects MSFS somehow forgets it’s the same device and applies a default mapping on top of a custom mapping. It also messes with other connected USB devices, for example my Saitek switch panel and multi panel. I tried them all individually until I narrowed down the culprit to the wireless controller. I thought it was maybe dying but it was fully charged.

I can’t explain why this all happens but that is exactly what happened to me. I have decided no longer to use my wireless controller, which was used primarily for drone mode and screenshots.

I just finalized my purchase of a gaming headset and went wired instead of wireless for this reason and issue.

Maybe the new patch recently released will solve this problem? I have updated MSFS and remapped my controller today. Hopefully the bindings will not get erased.

Which gaming headset did you get? Thinking of getting one myself.

Upvote on this. Xbox wireless controller here. Dropping my custom settings for the thousandth time even after installing latest patch. Extremely annoying. Also entering sleep mode constantly. Both might be related, since on some occasions windows won’t detect again the controller after entering sleep mode unless removed from settings and repaired. And then boom, all custom bindings are gone. Who said custom bindings reside in the cloud? This is clearly not the case here.

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same here, i keep switching the flaps and trim controls on my xbox controller but everytime i launch the game again those settings are reset

So fired up MSFS today and sure enough bye bye custom Xbox controller settings. So annoying. I guess I’ll need to plug it in via USB and see if that works.

me2. im really annoyed. buyed the expensive as f*** xbox controller, because i thought there is no hassle, and i even had troubles installing it. now it is installed and i lost my mappings several times. Asobo: Please do something about this!

People: Please vote for this issue, so asobo dies recognize it. its really annoying

I’ll hopefully make sense of this behavior even though the answer certainly won’t be liked much. I always hope devices are remembered with each new sim, operating system or usb update, but it’s been this way as far back as I can remember (from Windows 95B when USB was 1st brought forth).

I see that people are talking about xbox and my knowledge is with PC’s. I had the 1st xbox but always have built powerhouse computers to where I just keep my gaming on them. An xbox is afterall a computer. Since the one I had (back then I think it was a P3 733mhz). It has a cpu, gpu chip, psu, motherboard, hard drive, etc, etc. It must have an operating system of some kind and since it’s done by Microsoft I can imagine similarities with the window’s registry in devices. Even other OS’s will do as I’m about to write.

USB devices have a signature, an ID of sorts. Nothing about your controller has a unique firmware or EEPROM to where it says it is unique (such as a digital serial number). If it did, this problem or behavior would have been fixed 25 years ago). This “string” tells the computer/xbox/program a unique name for it each session. If it stays the same each time then you won’t have issues. If while a program is running that device gets unplugged, and replugged in, new port or not, it gets a new string, thus it’s seen as a new device since again, it lacks at least a way to show it’s exactly what was just plugged in a second ago.

Since MSFS had a standard.xml (most older version of flight sim) I have tried to back this up and use it for these cases (though would require reboot). As a former pit builder this would be hours and hours of setup lost. I would have to be absolute certain to check each and every USB device appeared in windows before I launched the sim. Complain as we did, in the end we needed to sim so we learned to do whatever it took to save our time and sanity.

So, yes, it is very annoying, but in the end you want to play now. I wouldn’t wait for a solution to this 25 year old issue, since it’s just a feature USB has always had. I’ll upvote this but in the end you’ll want to try and avoid it’s disconnect as I’ve mentioned. The only real solution I ever see to this is for Microsoft to rewrite how the registry writes what it writes and hardware manufacturers would have to also be on board with some sort of unique digital signature.


Thanks for that detailed reply. I figured since my custom mappings on my USB wired keyboard are remembered why not just plug in the Xbox controller instead of going wireless. So I just go a USB cable from Amazon and plugged in my Xbox controller via one of the very few remaining USB ports on my PC and for some unknown reason my PC does not recognize it ! Can’t seem to add the Xbox controller in the device settings when wired but I can add it wirelessly? I’m starting to think these Xbox controllers were not meant for PC’s and should only be used with the console.

I got mine years ago and remember major issues getting it to work. There is a specific driver that solved my issues and even though I have full Redbird yoke, pedals and throttle, my current only controller is my usb xbox controller, haha. I have the driver but will try to find a link for it for you. If not I’ll open a drop box account or something. Give me til tomorrow since I’m about to crash. Bed wise, not aircraft wise :wink:


  1. Make sure to connect your controller BEFORE the game start, otherwise you will lose your profile.
  2. Backup your control profile by duplicating it into a new profile, which will not be affected by this issue. When you lose your profile, delete you dead profile and recover it by duplicating the backup profile again.

just so you can try:
the last three times i started the sim i made sure to start the controler first and let it connect. Had no problems this three times. may be a coincidence, but you could try it guys.

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