Fix photogrammetry bridges so that they are not "solid" underneath

@Musis3rd there are a bunch of threads already logged with votes in both the bugs category and wishlist category, just splitting the vote unfortunately - please have a look using the search first before you start a new topic.

This has been a day 1 issue and is a photogrammetry issue - just the way it works. They can fix it for hand crafted bridges, but I don’t know if the AI can do it for the others. The good news is that Google Earth can do it, so there must be a way.

Note that although a lot of threads are raising this as new after 1.11.6, that is only because there are a bunch of bridges on the new US Tour and so it makes it pretty obvious.

Also some of these threads are about being able to fly under the bridges. These are two related but separate issues I think. Whilst flying under is fun, personally I’m not worried by that as much by the look which is pretty ugly compared with the rest of the beauty around it.

@moderators - any chance you can combine/rationalise some of these? Appreciate they have votes, but some with not many. Thanks in advance