Fix the premium airports please!

I found that one too.
For anyone reporting other issues, please give me some basic information like airport and where about to find it. :stuck_out_tongue:

:thinking: I’m not so sure :rofl: :rofl:
looking at what happens in Paris (bump on taxiway) and in Nice (bump on the runway) I wonder WHO build these airports :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

LFPG, terrain abnormality, there is an added hill

The approach lights sunk into the terrain.
approach 08L, between cargo area and runway 08L.
it seems it has been add on purpose, I don’t know why.
I try to flatten by drawing a terraforming polygon, I can move the level all around this hill, but the hill itself remain the same level.


I’ve taken a closer look at the hill, and I found the hill actually should be there, but not in that shape and position:

The hill in your image follows (more or less) the red line, but it should follow the green line.

I’m not so sure what the grey part is showing. Is it the same hill?

Wow! good finding, so that explain why it was added intentionally.
thanks for info.

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