Fix the randomness of animal generation

I am one of those who really like the new modes in 2024. One of these modes is world photographer. I really like the way it is implemented. (I’m not going to talk about mistakes right now.)
Everything was fine until I opened the animal album. It took me more than 20 hours to explore the animal world in this mode. At the moment, I haven’t found any cats. Not a single ostrich. 90% generation consists of wildebeest, buffalo, Zebras and giraffes. Of course, some animals are less common. But they are completely absent here. I said earlier that it took me 9 hours for the elephants to appear.
From all this, I concluded that the generation of animals is not calibrated. All this makes it extremely difficult and even impossible to fill in an album with animals.
I know that there are more serious problems in the game at the moment, but I hope that my proposal will still find support, since the photography mode is one of the very interesting and exciting game modes and also requires increased attention and study.
I also saw posts on the forum that many people play with children to show animals. But children are the future generation of users. Problems with animals also reduce their interest.

The pictures below show examples of animal generation. I tried different habitats, but most often I searched in the most popular region - the Serengeti. I have also tried so many ways to explore the world, but nothing has brought results.

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I have the same problem with the asian elephants. Found them once but it was in the free cam without the photo camera equipped. It would be nice to have some sort of clue if you fly at least near them, like a POI marker appearing or some smoke grenade at their location. I expected them to be in the indian national parks but these are all trees. So neither possibility to land nor to spot them there.