[FIXED] World Update 3 has broken flight dynamics, exhibit A

Hello LucioTheBird, as you may know the Asobo flight model was not realistic before version aka “WU3”. That Asobo “tuned” the flight models in the wrong direction from non-realistic to even more non-realistic is a sad topic. See Flight Dynamics Bug Details - Community / News and Announcements - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
For months I make flight models mods for many MSFS 2020 airplane. You can find my work at MSFS 2020 sailplane or at Daher TBM 930 flight model mod • Flight Simulator 2020
Please try my TBM930 mod and tell if it is realistic within the limitations of MSFS 2020.
A lot of people have upvoted this current bug. Can you please upvote the following wish Workaround for missing propeller drag, please! - Self-Service / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
This wish describes a way to make propeller airplanes more realistic without too much effort for Asobo. I like Asobo to do my job, that is provide realistic flight models!