[FIXED] World Update 3 has broken flight dynamics, exhibit A

There’s a temporary work around here:

If you are not comfortable with modifying those files in the standard product, you can use this mod that fixes it, which installs into the community folder:


even worse with the premium aircraft: (INOP)
(INOP) on 90% of all the cockpits. for the $80AUD i paid for these aircraft this is about as ridiculous as the Eurofighter which was put in the marketplace.

Well, except for the fact that the premium addons work out at $4AUD per addon (10 aircraft and 10 airports) as opposed to something like 10x that for the Typhoon.

Note the premium addons absolutely do need work, no argument there, but in terms of “value” they are $4AUD addons not $40AUD.

ironically, the best reviewed aircraft at present seem to be ones that you need to buy direct and have not actually made the marketplace yet. The Bleriot XI, Piaggio P149 and Fiat G91 being all examples that come to mind of excellent addons. The exception might be the marketplace Carenado Mooney M20R which seems to be well recieved after it’s latest patch fixed most of the early issues with it (especially if you install the G430/g530 mod).

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All very true, its just human nature to be ■■■■■■ with the world. lol

$80aud (not 40) for 10 airports and 10 aircraft works out to $8 a piece, not $4 image
(which is assuming that each item works out to the same price, or are the aircraft worth more? even so, $8 a piece should mean each aircraft should realistically have 1 third functionality. We dont even get that. We dont even get the correct avionics in some circumstances. We are misinformed. This is wrong. Yes, the base aircraft is there and mods can then be applied to add functionality, but I would expect slightly more for the vanilla experience. I do mod my sim, so it would be wonderful to see some mods for the Citation Longitude, because there are none yet.

Console physics


My 5 cents to this discussion in short:

  • Was a founder of an IT startup company
  • terrible quality at the very beginning
  • users were complaining which is absolutely right
  • we introduced stringent quality measures, including the build process
  • took us quiet some time to get users happy again

To my knowledge asobo is not a startup. They should have a proper DevOps model in place to prevent a faulty build.


That’s been said since the Alpha and we’re not any further forward with all the “broken” things. If I had a dollar for every person that said “have patience, it’ll be fine” etc etc etc I’d be able to buy them out!


Plane is staying in place while the earth rotates :smiley:

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What makes it work is the nature of the instructions. Saying “don’t do it if you aren’t a coder” is useless. Rather than yet more pretty pictures, why not spend half an hour writing a set of instructions that could be followed by someone who is reasonably intelligent.

Another alternative would be to legitimise the mod that someone created, which cannot be that complicated.

That depends on your location, it is maximum at the equator and minimum (0) at the poles… So if you want to calculate it for your location:

Speed (kts) = Cos (latitude) x 21600 / 24



Teacher’s pet!!



I’d hesitate with legetimising that MOD for the moment.
A quick glance at the comments will see it’s causing numerous CTDs for folks.

And we have enough of those to be dealing with.

Genuine question for someone who genuinely knows this factually:

Did all the aircraft included in the FSX deluxe edition, and X plane 11 whatever packages they have (never used X Plane) have full functionality in their avionics, from release or developed within a few years?

Full functionality has been defined in different ways so I’ll define it as all flight controls and every autopilot function fully working, and being able to start the aircraft from cold and dark with battery, fuel and avionics master switches etc.

I’m actually going to re-install FSX to do some comparisons… I haven’t flown it in over a year now.


If you want to nerdle out completely, actually it is slightly more. The earth rotates more than 360 degrees per 24 hrs as the Earth also rotates around the sun in the meanwhile and therefore needs to rotate around 1 degree more each day to keep facing the sun. If 24 hrs would be exactly 360 degrees it would be daylight at 12:00 local time at some point and half a year later it would be nighttime at 12:00 local time. :joy:. So one day is slightly more than 360 degrees so we should divide the circumference of the Earth (21638 nm at the equator) + 1 extra degree (60 nm) = 21698 by 24 hrs 🥸…

Considering a “mean solar day” of course because actually the Earths rotation around the sun is an ellipsoid with the sun at one of its rotation points and according the laws of Kepler the Earth will sweep equal areas so the Earth moves slower one half of the year as the Earth is farther away from the sun and moves faster when closer to the sun, but the 24 hrs is based on a mean solar day of course so while it is nice to know it is completely useless in our calculation of rotational speed of the Earth.

And that is ladies and gentleman why the ground effect is so hideous in FS2020, to stay on topic.


This has to be fixed , I am no amateur when it comes to editing files but I have to be honest I didn’t understand the instructions. The file they say needs editing doesn’t appear in some of the aircraft.

The instruction doesn’t say which aircraft we should edit, does it affect all?

I am a big supporter of Microsoft and Asobo but making us wait for what is described as a simple fix is wrong. A hotfix should have gone in immediately they found the issue. Even EA do that!!

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Cue comments from the Flat Earthers.


I mean the sun rotates 360 degrees per day above the Earth :joy:. Btw how do flat Earthers explain seasons? And the constellations being different, different stars visible between northern and southern hemisphere? And coriolis force?

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They think we really living in a badly implemented solar system simulator written by Microsoft. That’s why there is so much negativity in here.

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