[FIXED] Forum Software Bugs?

I’ve seen most of those, bar a couple.

I’ve not noticed a noticeable slow down of the forums, and I hardly ever use tags.

As MichaMMA and Crunchmeister71 noted above, the post preview not working seems to be occurring only when using the Reply to Post function. It works just fine when doing anything else (Reply to Topic, quoting someone, making a new thread, editing a post) so I’m updating the bug in the main post.


I also noticed the “Unread” number is different from what I have unread.

Seems accurate for me at the moment:

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Just checked again this morning for my Unread Topics, and I had 5 but the forum still showed 3.

Random issue with Hyperlink function not working.

Clicking chain brings up the box, entering the hyperlink and typing description is fine.
Clicking OK does nothing.


There are some quirks with that toolbar in the composer. :weary:

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Yes, absolutely. Just searched to see if anyone had similar problems, so thank you for starting this thread.

For Desktop, I’m using Edge browser, but tested with Chrome and got the same bugs. Have also seen some of the same bugs on mobile with Edge browser.

Desktop- both Edge and Chrome, I’m experiencing the following bugs:
#2 Cannot insert an emoji (random if it works or not)
#5 The forum seems to be over all slower
#7 Toolbar functions in the composer fails to work at times
#9 Post preview (right side) will not work when using Reply to Post.

Thank you!


We have a feeling this may be local to the forum server for MSFS and not a “bug” within the Discourse software. On the Discourse support forum, no one is reporting any issues who are on the same Discourse version this forum is.

The Microsoft web team has been notified. So hopefully they can figure out what’s happening. :slight_smile:


I’m seeing the same bugs in Firefox desktop.

Ok- I think I know this issue to the incorrect New/Unread numbers.

When I open the forums at one point-lets say 8 AM, I only have 1 new topic. If I do not click the “New” tab and open up the forums later, let’s say around 5 PM, that number will not change. It will stay at “1”

I am using Chrome.

That’s interesting as we think what’s happening is caching and push/pull requests not being properly handled.

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Behavior just started today - my screenshot uploads stall with no progress. I checked my Script Monitor and there are new scripts that require loading before the upload completes. Example of new scripts appearing - Azuredge.net.

I found the suspect script - it’s called ggpht. Once I allowed that, uploads would complete.

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This issue has been frustrating me since I joined the forum a year ago.

I, primarily, use an iPad to view the forum. The issue is the formatting of the header.

90% of the time it looks like this, where my profile icon is 50% cutoff and the page can be scrolled sideways to see it fully. It’s like the header on the forum home page formats incorrectly.

However, 10% of the time it actually loads correctly and cannot be scrolled sideways, as the page fits.

I wish this issue would be cured. It’s mainly annoying since it hides the badges on my profile icon and I have to scroll the page sideways to see them and that shoves the forum thread titles off screen to the left.

I also noticed that when posts are split into a new topic the ‘Topic Author’ will be incorrectly stated.

I’ve never noticed that before! I’m sure that one has been around for a long time and not a bug that was introduced this last update.

Unfortunately, we can’t reassign the topic author title.

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Went to quote a message in another thread, and the little circle just spins and spins. Had the same thing the other day except with loading pics to the what did you do today thread…

If you cancel the msg and retry (1-n) times, sometimes it will work.

If you are having issues with uploading images, try this:

  1. Post the post without the images, refresh the page, then go back and edit the post with your images
  2. “Replying to Topic” seems to work better with the composer functionality then it does with “Replying to Post”

I have also when trying to insert an image is to cancel the upload, refresh the page, then re-upload the image.

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I have also noticed that when opening the forums on an iPad it seems to zoom in when I open Safari on my iPad. I have a video below:

(Yes, it is a Microsoft Sway since the forums would not let me upload a screen recording)

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