Fixes & work arounds for SU5 in game UI, tool tips, missing mouse/cursor issues

They working on it now :wink: Trust me.

You’re welcome.

Thanks for the tips @Sharpex95

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Yes the mouse cursor sometimes disappears. Just press the ESC button for the pause menu and it re-appears afterwards, easy and quick solution.


Great post, and this should be stuck at the top of the forums for the next week or two until everyone understands what’s going on here. People hate change, which I get, and other than the % and the size of the tooltip, it’s pretty easy to get the previous interaction back. I was in the beta, and I already can hardly recall what it used to be like, so it will get better for everyone.


Re the checklist symbol - this comes up when you move your mouse over a control at or near the edge of the screen. I think it’s a bug, but if you move the view to look more centrally at the control it does go away. I’m not sure if there is an option to turn it off or not.

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Thank you for sharing…

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Thanks! Couple of those tips are gonna help me adjust things to my liking. :slight_smile:

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With working title G1000 and without it, I can not put any altitude and the speed don´t move on PFD when I begin to take off.

Its hard to tell from your pic but I suspect you need to activate default mouse?

See Ten Patrols post (the one the pics)

Thanks for that.
A really good and, on the face of it, detailed guide for some issues introduced by SU5.
With weekend coming up I’ll have a thorough read apply your suggestions and work arounds to see how I like it.
Very much in two minds about the new XBox style “Lock” controls in the cockpit. I probably like them on some cockpit elements and dislike them on many others. Need to check which way I want it in the end :slight_smile:

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Brilliant thread, great work @Sharpex95

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Any tips on the white bar at the top of the screen that keeps appearing and disappearing in external view ? It’s incredibly annoying

XBox style “Lock” controls
i hate this Style,it look like a Arcarde Game now…

Do you mean the bar with the little white triangle that when it pops down you get say ATC interaction, maps, Navigraph (if you use it), VFR map etc?

Screen shot helpful if you can and its not what I am describing

Yes that’s what I meant :+1:

Ok thats easy its a default thing been there for ages (its not an SU5 thing).

(From memory) Bring it up go to the toolbar customization then turn everything off - i think it will stop appearing (there may be an option to remove it completely).

That said, I would caution. Against it - there are a few on there that are quite handy to have and if you ever get Navigraph its a game changer and you defo want that there.

Hope this helps. :+1:

Hi @NeilPearlJam i’m on default key bindings and Tab disappears it for me. There is a mod for ‘nomenubar’ elsewhere and it may (i’m hoping, it’s been roundly hated since the SU5 update) get killed in the hotfix lol

Doing what you say,

I can not put any altitude and the speed don´t move on PFD when I begin to take off.
You said: “Propellers, turboprops etc.
Change cockpit interaction system from LEGACY to LOCK.
Options > general options > accessibility > cockpit interaction system
Select LOCK and save changes.
Also select default mouse profile.
Go to options > controls options > mouse
Select default profile and save changes”

Constructive and helpful thread, good work :+1:

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With lock in accessibility and moving the mouse I can change the altitude, but it don´t appears this altitude in PFD.