Flight plan/gps broken?

I haven’t messed with MSFS for quite a while. I turned it on and it updated like it always does. I went to the world map, chose my aircraft then my airports. I normally do a IFR low airways to a runway that has ILS. I am lazy and like to used auto pilot and ILS to land. I am also not a pilot so I really don’t know what I am doing. I load the flight and choose “fly now”. Sometimes there is no flight plan at all on the gps. If I click the flight pln button it shows that it is in there, it just won’t show it on the screen. Nor will it navigate when I get in the air. Other times I will start it up and the plan will be in there and it will follow it. To a point. Then it just dumps the plan mid flight and flies around in circles. I also can’t get it to capture the ILS or do an approach. This didn’t used to be an issue. I have been using flight sims for decades and have not had this problem.

Anyone have any ideas? Its starting to really frustrate me. Xplane didn’t look as good but at least it worked. I don’t know if I am just stupid or something is messed up.

I have tried several aircraft and two different controlers.

Well let’s start with, you’re not stupid, and nothings messed up.
But, things have changed a LOT since the last time you visited (and that’s an understatement). All the Garmin units (G3x, G1000NXi, 3000/5000) have been updated significantly starting in late 2022, with specific updated operations in January and June 2023 (they were called AAU1 and 2 for aircraft and avionics updates 1 and 2).
The units all work much closer to the actual units. The last time you saw them, they pretty much operated like you described…build a flight plan, turn on the autopilot and they flew the GPS route you selected without any real input required.
The new units will require quite a bit of learning to get comfortable with.
If learning that interests you at all I’d recommend looking at some online videos to see how to use them. If you’re really interested, take a look at this link (look part way down to find information specifically on the Garmin systems) or find a Garmin manual:

Thank you for responding. That is what I was worried about. I re installed/repaired the sim via the xbox app last night. And unistalled everything that didn’t come with it originally. Haven’t got a chance to fire it up yet to see if it helped. Sounds like it probably won’t. I had the working title gps stuff installed. I thought maybe that might be it, or it was conflicting or something. Just before I went to bed (at 8 am lol) I saw a video about some of it and the new 2024 sim. I’m not all that impressed.

At 56 with a bunch of mental issues I am really not looking to go back to school or learn a bunch of stuff. I guess what I need to do is pick an airframe, stick with it and learn how it works. I tried to figure out the FMS/computer thing a while back. I found it confusing and gave up to be honest. Wouldn’t kill me to learn it I guess. And how to properly navigate to begin with. That is why I depend on the auto pilot or gps. Basically I am not good at navigating or lining up with a runway or VFR flying. So I use it to cheat. If I am being honest the AI pilot can do the same thing for me if I really want to cheat. I just like small fast planes I can jump in and fly from Adrian MI (my local airport) to Toledo express, Detriot metro or willow run. Sometimes I fly in southern cali since I used to live there in the military. My problem is in the air everything just looks the same to me. Even in the area I live in. I can barely drive a car without my garmin gps lol.

Thank you for letting me know I haven’t totally lost mind. Yet. I will poke around and see if I can figure it out. Links to articles, posts and videos are fine. I just couldn’t find much last night while I was throwing a fit. I spent about 8 hours messing around and just got more and more angry. Not really what I am looking for in a gaming experience to be honest.

Thank you for the help. At least I have a place to start and can rule out glitches or a broken update.


The NXi and the G3000/5000 both have Visual Approaches, which sort of gives you an easy way to get lined up for landing. It’s just a matter of learning how to interpret the Approach information so that you’re at the right altitudes for two waypoints, and press the Approach button - AP will guide you to the ground, but you should take over just before that as it’s not a true autoland function. You still have to disconnect AP, slow and flare to land safely.

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I think I figured it out. It was partly due to mods and partly operator error I think. I uninstalled all the Working Title mods for the gps and stuff. I put the sim back to its vinalla state and fired it up. Seems to work closer to what I remember. I flew the TBM, Diamond twin engine and the C172. It sort of worked. It still has an issue with dropping the GPS plan when I get close to the airport. Nothing I can’t sort out though. I will try to explain it but I am not a pilot so I may get the wording wrong.

I don’t start cold and dark. I start on the runway configured to go. I don’t have the patience or smarts to do cold and dark. So I start at Adrian, KDAG taking off to the west. I have to hand fly around to the east and catch the flight plan. It used to just do it if I remember correctly. I could set my altitude, take off and hit the autopilot and it would just take over. Not a big deal, I can handle that and its kind of fun. Auto pilot will engage and fly east for while. Then it will bank to the south and fly towards Toledo, KTOL. When it get towards the last “leg” I think its called? It is supposed to cross path of the turn in to the airport. Then do a left hand loop to line up with the runway. At this time I would switch to the localizer on the CDI. Then it will catch the glide path and I can hit the approach button and I am sest from there. I’m pretty decent at getting it on the ground.

The problem is when it hits that last section before it does that little left hand loop the gps fails and I lose the flight plan. It just spins me in circles. Then I have to mess around catching the localizer again. It didn’t used to that. Again, nothing I can’t handle now that I know what it is doing. Maybe that is perfectly normal. Last time I was in a plane for real GPS didn’t exist lol. And I was just riding so I was clueless as to what was going on. Microsoft was also kind of messing up the flight plan. If I do what it says and listen to ATC it puts me too high and too close to catch the glide slope. Then it just wiggs out and shuts off and you are hand flying it. I just drop a 1000 feet before I get there and it works out fine. ATC doesn’t yell at me so I guess they are ok with it lol.

I still want to learn to do it right. And how to navigate better so I don’t have to depend on it. As short of a distance as I am flying I really could just fly direct to the airport and then figure out to line up and land. The fact that I need 5 plus miles to line up and land a small plane at under 100 knots is a bit sad lol. At least compared to what I am seeing on pilot channels. They just turn and dive in there. I can’t do that without having a horrible landing. That obviously isn’t the sims fault.

At least now that I have it sorted out to a degree I can learn in my own time and still have fun now and then. I have too much going on right now to mess around with it. I had a mental melt down this winter and need to get my crap together. Start my meds again, clean my house, fix some things and buy a car. I went the winter without a car because I hit a deer and totaled it. I’m disabled so not a huge deal, just a pain in the butt sometimes. I work with a cat rescue and I really want to get back to rescuing cats and delivering stuff to our fosters.

Thank you both for the help. It is appreciated.

Since you seem to like IFR flights, I’ll see if I can walk a fellow vet (Norton/March/Vandy/Beale in CA…ok, that last one not so much SoCal !) through some basic stuff…stand by for a lot of writing! LOL And there’s no “cheating”, just call it learning. Nothing like watching something else do things to start and see how things work.
If you like smaller and fast, the TBM 930 works pretty well, is pretty fast overall, and the G3000 has some complexity as you get to know it, but works pretty well at the basic level too.
If you want to give it a try, let’s do a quick hop and see what questions come up afterwards…
Go into the world map, and select KLYV as a start place. Easiest to start on the runway. Pick KFOD as arrival. Then pick IFR/Low. That’ll give us a basic flight plan. If you know where the Nav Log box is, go in it and set 9000 feet as your desired Altitude. It’s a fairly short flight, so we won’t spend a lot of time climbing and descending.
Set “arrival” as “direct”, and “approach” as “ILS 06” That will give a decent landing approach.
I’d set weather to “clear” and time to sometime it’s light outside, since this is just a trial run.
After you hit “fly”, you’ll be in the cockpit, and here’s where it gets a bit busy. I’ll show you how to set some things up (see screen shot). If I start covering stuff you know, let me know so I don’t over explain. If you’re uncomfortable with the inertial separator button (furthest right on bottom row of switches on bottom left of screen), just turn it off and leave it off. Won’t hurt anything in the sim. Make sure your “active nav” is set to “FMS” (at the bottom of the PFD in green on the other screenshot)

My Basic setup for an IFR flight is:
Hit the end of the HDG button to match the heading to the direction we’re pointing, then hit the “HDG” button right above it. In this case you can also hit the “NAV” button. In the blue box above the PFD, you’ll see it say “hdg” in green (active directional mode) and “FMS” in white (armed mode to take over when all conditions are met. I’ll cover those in a second.
Turn the altitude select dial until 9000 shows at the top of the altitude tape (red box at bottom right of blue box). In the orange box, Push “VS” (vertical speed) button and turn the dial to the right of “VS” button until you get 1600 on the top right of the altitude tape and in the box above the PFD.
On the bottom right blue box, select the MFD mode. I’ll talk about how to get a full screen map in a bit (if you know how to highlight the map mode and change to full screen, go ahead and do that. You’ll see I did that. If you’re not sure, I’ll cover next time. You’ll see there’s no GPS route on the map. There’s two reasons, 1. There’s no waypoint between your start and the initial approach point of the ILS approach that can automatically be reached by the FMS without your actions (I’ll talk about that later). or, 2. Your ILS procedure has “vectors” set as the “transition”, or 3. Both of those things.

Make sure you know how to raise the gear and flaps, and turn off the parking brake, and activate the autopilot.
Time to fly. Parking brake off, push the thrust lever up (watch that it doesn’t go over 100%. It can get a bit touchy at the top-end of the range sometimes. After you get to about 75 knots, raise the nose, raise the gear once you’ve got a positive climb rate, raise the flaps around 100 knts, and then engage the autopilot. It will continue to fly straight ahead since you’re in HDG mode at the moment.
Once it’s going well (give yourself a few seconds to let it stabilize and take a breath!), turn the heading mode dial to change your heading bug (the little blue indicator in blue square) to intercept the GPS route indicator (in red check mark on the screenshot).

In this screenshot, notice HDG is no longer in the box above the PFD, and FMS has automatically taken over and guiding you to the next waypoint. This happens once the GPS line is within ~1-2 dots. You can watch when the FMS takes over! Don’t forget ATC during all this!

Take a look at the route and approach procedure if you like.

You’re going to want to activate your approach before you get to the initial approach fix. Watch to make sure you descend if ATC doesn’t remind you, and watch your speed as you get closer to the ILS approach so you aren’t going too fast to fly a reasonable approach. The final approach speed for the 930 is 85 knts IAS, but you can easily do 120 until you get ready to turn on final approach.

Once you’ve activated the approach, the FMS will fly it for you. Watch Your Speed and watch for ATC telling you to change altitude. The only thing you manually need to do is hit the “APR” button once you turn toward the runway, but well before you get to the final approach point. Those are all identified in the flight plan. In my case I’d turn it on at SHRLA. When you hit “APR”, you’ll get “LOC” and “GS” in white at the top of the PFD, and they’ll turn green as they lock on the signals. It will follow the localizer and glideslope down. You should take over at least 200 feet above the field height. You can take over earlier if you want to practice manually flying more of the last part of the landing.

I know it’s a LOT at this point, but let me know what else I can help you with or whatever you’ve got figured out!!


You are freaking Awesome!!! Thank you for this. I like the TBM so its perfect. The 172 is so slow I want to jump out during the flight lol. I have owned cars faster than that thing. I have two monitors so I will put this up and follow while I am in the sim. I might not mess with it tonight though. My eyes are already tired and scratchy from staring at the screen. They were all messed up this morning from staying up all night messing with it. I might need new glasses.

I know what most of that stuff is. I might have to look a few things up but your descriptions are fantastic. I can handle taking off and grabbing the ils glide slope to land. That shouldn’t be an issue for me. I remember you used to have to look up all the frequencies and put themin manually. Or maybe that was Xplane? I see it does it all for you now. Kind of cool. And I see you are doing things differently than I normally would. Think smarter not harder I guess. I was doing stuff wrong and sort of out of sequence or at the wrong time I guess? It worked but how you do it seems much easier. Thanks.

Also now that I removed all the GPS add ons and stuff it works more like I remember it. It loads my flight plan up when I get on the runway for me now. I thought they wer performance upgrades when I installed them. I guess they actually change how it functions and makes it more realistic (harder in my cases lol). Once I figure out how to do it right I might install it all again. Maybe. I also had them installed previously manually from one of the websites. Then when I saw them in the store I downloaded them, or it did it for me? So they may have been in there twice and messing with each other. My mistake.

I was in the Air Force in the late 80’s early 90’s stationed at Goerge AFB in Victorville. I was an F-4 mechanic. Hydraulics to begin with, then crew cheif and engines (Cross training BS). I did my 4 years and got out. I got married right before desert storm kicked off, Christmas day. Never do that! So I guess they were nice and didn’t deploy me? I think someone volunteered to go in my place but not sure. That was the story I was told. I stayed behind and got put on the flyable storage/transfer team. As the jets came back we sold them or mothballed them. Had I known better I would have stayed in. Young and stupid. I could be retired by now.

This is plenty to get me started. Thank you sooo much. This was above and beyond.

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I never know what to assume when trying to answer something, but it sounds more like we’re just trying to fill in a few areas. You have a good grasp of the plane and as you said, the new G3000 does a lot more for you in some areas so it’s a pleasure to fly.
My dad was a retired AF wrench turner most of his career. He rendered my first salute at graduation. He made me promise to “never write up an “intermittent” problem. It’s either broke or it isn’t, I used to travel up to Palmdale periodically and would run by Apple Valley to see a friend that retired out of the 20 TFS and settled in there.
As you explore the plane some more, let me know if you want to talk about anything that comes up.

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