The plan plane programmed in the world map is not the one generated in the PFD of the Airbus 320 (see screenshot below). Do you have a solution to fix this bug? Thanks.
What is the route string?
DAAG - LEPA (see the itinerary below). The same goes for Montreal (CYUL) - Ottawa (CYOW).
Thank you.
Use SIMBRIEF to compose the plan and Navigraph beta for corrections of the default airac database.Airac2104
SIMBRIEF – flightsim eindhoven
LEPADAAG_MFS_18May21.pln (4.6 KB)
The good message is there is nothing wrong with FBW
Same for
To: Airbus 3503750
I’m getting this bug too.
I see that you have the dreaded “D0” waypoint at the top-right of your nav display. Those straight parallel green flight path lines are pointing to this D0 waypoint some 2203nm away!
If you go into the MCDU’s flight plan screen, you’ll see that D0 waypoint has totally empty coordinates (all zeros). This is what’s corrupting your flight plan. I get the same whenever I create a IFR flight plan from the World Map screen.
Does anyone else experience this?
Do you think the problem is arising in the “World Map” screen when anybody tries to create a “IFR” flight plan?
Hello Martin,
I’m in the middle of a re-install Windows 21H1 and leaving Insider Dev updates; so it takes me a while to recover from reinstalling apps. MSFS is downloading now-will take me another 3 hrs to complete.
If you like you can send me a mail via the contactpage flightsimeindhoven [dot] com
Kind regards
I’m back here;
Hello Jan, I don’t have Skype. Can you do a google meet?
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Hello everybody !
Thank you for your answers and small solutions. Given my experience in the field of flight simulation from the FS2 (80s), I confirm that this is a major bug and we cannot even create flight plans via the world map (high altitudes or others) and this since the update of the last time. Microsoft and Asobo should intervene in this direction (update), if not there will be other bugs soon.
Thank you.
I did sent you the pln without errors as long as you create them with Simbrief
Flight plans made ad random by hand via the world map could have error if your database is corrupt or not up to date; you can correct errors (eg duplicate waypoint names) in the F-PLN removing that waypoints.
In version this is what you get today. as a proof that creation of a flight plan is due able. So no bug at all.
CASOL has duplicate waypoints you should correct in the MCDU
ALR has duplicate waypoints you should correct in the MCDU
You cannot use the world map selecting waypoint ad random because there is no warning that there are multiple waypoints in the database. If you don.t know how to get rid of the errors, you better create f-pln in the MCDU directly. Just fill the DEP & DES in world map and complete the route in the MCDU. If you need some help with that, let me know.
This is an incorrect statement. I use SIMBRIEF exclusively and the flight plan adds way points to almost every flight I did not ask for in SIMBRIEF or the Planner. This is a BUG regardless of using SIMBRIEF or not.
With that said, after importing the SIMBRIEF plan into the MSFT PLANNER it is that flight that FP uses in the simulator. Not what’s showing in the FMCG. You can verify this by using the VFR MAP.
Sent me the simbrief plan …
KEUG CVO UBG OLM2 KSEA or KMFR OED RENAA UBG OLM2 KSEA. I can add another 200 SIMBRIEF plans and they all do the samething…ADD waypoints that were not asked for. In these two plans you will notice MSFS adds BTG and COUGR to the plan after booting into the simulator. And both those waypoints were not in SIMBRIEF plan or the Planner.
Last, if you go fly the plan the aircraft doesn’t fly to BTG or COUGR, it fly’s the actual SIMBRIEF/PLANNER flight. But the ND shows the BTG and COUGR waypoints, just doesn’t fly them. This is a bug.
No not that way… you can drag the downloaded .pln in the box here. I would like to see the statements inside the pln. I assume you have airac 2105 loaded in simbrief. Else sent me your PILOT ID in a Message and I will pick it up from the SIMBRIEF database.
I had something similar to you. Have you tried this:
In Windows 10 Control Panel → Region → Administrative Tab-> Change System Locale…
Turn off: “Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support”
Reboot PC
Restart FS2020.
ps. I found it here in post by: boddie007…