FlightLog Analyzer - Introducing the ‘Achievements Progress Tracker’

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest feature, the ‘Achievements Progress Tracker’. This advanced tool is meticulously crafted to offer a detailed analysis of your pending objectives within the ‘Flight Simulator Achievement’ suite.

Key Benefits:

  • Comprehensive Overview: Instantly view a complete list of achievements alongside their respective progress scores.
  • In-Depth Insights: Gain access to extensive information about each achievement, empowering you to strategize effectively.

Targeted Assistance for Key Challenges:

  • Service with a Smile: Track requested services and identify pending ones with ease.
  • Back-Up Plan: Monitor the total distance you’ve been pushed back and the remaining distance to your goal.
  • Look Ma, No Hands: Observe the cumulative distance flown using Auto Pilot and the distance left to cover.
  • Road Trip: Keep tabs on the total distance taxied and the distance yet to be traveled.
  • Hydroplaning: Record the time spent flying in rainy conditions and the duration still required.
  • Flights of Fancy: Discover the longest flight distance achieved in each aircraft category (Propeller, Jets, Airliners) and the milestones ahead.
  • Night Owl: View the total night hours flown and the remaining hours for achievement completion.
  • Instrumental: Assess the total IFR time accumulated and the time left to secure the achievement.
  • World Traveler: Track your progress towards landing at 500 unique airports.
  • Jack of All Planes: Receive a detailed report on the remaining aircraft types needed to conquer this challenge.

This feature is an exclusive addition to our STANDARD license tier and is now available for download. Elevate your flight simulation experience today at www.flightloganalyzer.com.

I hope you guys give it a try soon,

Fabiano and Gene,

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amazing program !!

One issue-- I tried to delete ALL my flights, and it won’t delete the last one.
Not a big deal, but maybe something to look into …

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Humm thanks for the feedback, I will take a look at it.

I have a suggestion, though. If you want to clear all your data, you can try the folowing post:

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Thanks – but NO !!! I do not want to reset all my MSFS settings back to default. !!

FYI: As a Dev, I run 99% of the time in Dev Mode, so after 3 years I have only collected a few Odd, logged flights (backed up now)

I just want to clear those old one out, so any new ones are current (not that that really matters)

When I highlighted ALL the flights to be deleted, it threw an error
When I selected all but one, it deleted all but that one
Now left with one, it will not delete that one left flight.

BTW: why did I buy FightLog Analyzer, when I don’t keep flights ?

Because it is an exceptionally well written program – and by supporting you with a purchase, I still have hopes that one day, you will apply your decompression- compression techniques to make a Data-Store editing tool, :grinning: