FlightSimulator.exe - Application Error (0x80000003) - A breakpoint has been reached

What’s that? Where do you find that in Windows 10?

You can open Reliability Monitor in its own window by typing ** perfmon /rel ** and pressing ENTER in the Start Search box or at a command prompt.

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Just tried it. Simply amazing! Thank you :slight_smile:

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I am getting this lately as well. A Breakpoint has been reached and it just crashes to desktop. The game worked fine From August to November, then I had a break and now after all the updates it doesn’t seem to work anymore, despite me not changing any settings.

I was able fix the x80000003 exception issue on my PC by setting manage virtual memory to automatic. Hopefully this change resolves it for you too. Here’s how:

  1. From the Search bar type Performance.

  2. Choose the Adjust appearance and performance of Windows. This will pop a Performance Options window.

  3. Click on the Advanced tab.

  4. Click on the Change… button in the Virtual memory section.

  5. Check the box Automatically manage paging file size for all drives

  6. Click OK

  7. Reboot your computer

Flight Simulator 2020 works great after this change!


Thanks fixed my issue also had been trying to solve this for some time now.

How did you figure this out ?

Glad the fix worked for you too! One of the online troubleshooting guides said to make sure your PC has enough virtual memory, but didn’t say what to set it to. I tried the automatic virtual memory setting and it worked!

What’s weird is I have 32GB of physical memory, which hasn’t ever gotten full.
Isn’t virtual memory used by the OS, once it runs out of physical memory in RAM ?
As in virtual memory is just emulation of Random Access Memory on the hard disk if I’m right.

I haven’t tried the solution you proposed simply because I haven’t been able to replicate the 0x8 error again. So maybe Microsoft / Asobo sorted out a memory leak in one of their patches ? Have you guys encountered this error lately ?

Have a look here:

Scroll down, nearly at the bottom

Good luck

Hi, I am having consistent CTDs when loading complex airports (like JFK) with windows log error exception code: 0x80000003
Only started encountering this after the VR update.
This error always comes with a windows low virtual memory warning after, saying that mfs2020 consumed 26gigs worth of memory.

My specs are;
16gigs of RAM running at 3600 CL18 thru the XMP profile.
5600X CPU running at stock (via a BIOS with AGESA ComboV2 D which is stable on all my tests and games)
RTX 3080 with latest drivers and running an undervolt
…note the xmp and gpu undervolt were already set that way before the VR update and I never encountered a crash back then

MFS2020 is installed on an NVME SSD, my OS is not installed on the same drive.
It can also be noted that the “checking for update” part on startup has become very long at almost a minute, previously it only took an instant.

Would appreciate any assistance on this, thank you.

Hi All,

I was monitoring the RAM usage with RTSS and during the loadscreen, msf2020 does max out my 16gigs of ram. The error logs say that it needs to consume 23gigs of RAM so I manually set my page file max value to something higher than that and it didn’t crash anymore.

But this program has a system requirement of just 8gigs of RAM.
Is it normal that mine wants to use more than 16gigs?

I don’t think that’s minimum requirement has been updated for VR. Good thing to check on!

Make sure your Windows 10 paging file is setup. Those with 8 or 16 can benefit from that if they don’t have the physical RAM.

There are topics on the forum of how do to this, most are related for those with 8GB RAM but I think I’ve seen a few for those with 16GB. Do a search for “paging file”:
Search results for ‘paging file’ - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

There is also a duplicate topic of the same:

Also the FAQ (near bottom of this page under heading " INCREASE THE VIRTUAL MEMORY (PAGEFILE) ON YOUR SYSTEM"
How to troubleshoot crashes & CTDs – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

Hi Hester,

As indicated on my previous post, manually setting up a page file to a value higher than what is indicated on the consumption warning has stopped the crashing.

What I understand on your post is VR may require more than 16gigs of physical system ram.
But I am not running VR… and the documented physical RAM requirements when mfs2020 (non-VR) was released is only 8gigs.

I am encountering it after the VR patch.
Manually setting the page file to a very high max value (like 32gigs) stopped it from crashing.

On event log, find the 0x80000003 error entry you encountered, look at the warning entry above it. It shows how much memory mfs2020 was trying to consume when the error happened.
On mine it was trying to consume 23gigs of RAM even though I only have 16gig available physical.

When I was monitoring it via rivatuner, the RAM spike is just near the end of the loading screen when going into a flight… just for a split second it wants a high amount of RAM that exceeds what is available

I have marked @xxScottxx9184 virtual memory response as a solution. This will probably be of help to the dev team.

It’s probable that the memory footprint would vary based on your graphics settings. I had initially set everything at Ultra and that’s a possible explanation as to why the memory footprint spiked.

My 0x8 crash as I recall happened while I was flying.

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no… in each case you need overall 32Gig memory.
Please ensure that your pagefile setting offer that :slight_smile:

Anybody know what caused my simulator to freeze up and then display a message that said a breakpoint has been reached then a crash to desktop?

That is very odd indeed.

You should never see that unless you have a debug build.

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Well… it’s a developer thing. If you insert a breakpoint in your program it says you want to stop it running at a specific point in the code so you can figure out what isn’t working.

Quite how one got into a final release, who knows ? It’s amateurish.