you are absolutely right, I understand that the sim may have problems but nobody flies at night or at sunset? one of the beautiful aspects, for me, of flying is really landing in these moments
also last week several cases of floating lights in various airports wirldwide not to mention the lack of runway lights in many cases when flying with a flight plan
Hoping to be solve
Ah ,for info im on xbox s
I have this issue also, Looking into forums i noticed this hasn’t been fixed yet. Can someone please tell me i’m wrong?
For the love of all that is holy, please fix this - it’s impossible to land at night in an airliner because I can’t see the runway, and it happens every flight more than an hour long.
July 7, 2023 and I still see the hovering runway lights at several airports during night and day flights and I have figuratively worn out my delete rolling cache buttons with no success in resolving the issue.
Very strange, I used to have this problem all the time. It was very frustrating. Oddly enough I Haven’t had any issue in probably 6 months
Ive seen since started to notice I get more often on longer flights. Its consistent on my trans atlantic flights when landing at CYYZ, Very annoying.
Here it is Sept ‘23 and those little buggers are just floating around up there. Has there been a solution yet? Sent ticket to Zendesk.
Floating light of all type, have existed in MSFS2020 for year.
Some get fixed, and then others Pop Up
It’s like “Wack-a-Mole”.
Hi, I just observed floating runway lights at Zurich - LSZH after landing. When I reloaded scenery it was OK. So something goes wrong while in the flight the destination airport is loaded into RAM. It seems to be a long time bug to be fixed.
Same at LFPG after WU16.After landing. When i load back up everything seems OK. Anyone else having these issues?
I think this may be a rolling cache issue. Turn it on or toggle it off and on may fix it.
Today I encountered this floating light issue the first time in the sim when flying into Friday Harbor KFHR. Given that it’s a first party addon and I had nothing conflicting with it, I wasn’t sure what’s going wrong. A brief search in the fora showed me this reported issue from years ago! Just another unlucky day for me
ran into this at KBOI today with rolling cache on with SU14.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
Still get floating lights at Melbourne Airport in Florida. And what’s weird sometimes not. Get this I use X plane and old FSX and no floating at any airport what’s up with FS 2020??
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
Very strange, I used to have the floating light issue everywhere I flew to. Haven’t seen it in a while, assumed it was fixed…
Floating runway lights are DEFINITELY back in SU 15. KLGA , EGSS, KIAD, KTPA, … the list goes on and on. I love flying at night but this makes it incredibly difficult.
Please, this is really frustating and annoying, runways and taxi lights are always floating or even they are missing.
This problem is persisting over and over. Please your support is appreciated to fix this issue.
Xbox Series S user here.
I have XBOX S and this happens to me as well.