FlyByWire Simulations | A380X alpha | Discussion

The A380 seems to work fine in FS2024. I just completed an admittedly short hop EGPF->EGLL. ILS, OANS & BTV all worked fine. Even performance wasn’t too bad. I’m using latest dev version.


I did fly this in FS2020, but ever since FS2024, the aircraft I have been flying are probably smaller than those tyres. :slight_smile:

I’ll “grow up” eventually though and get back into tubeliners, like this and the Fenix aircraft. :stuck_out_tongue:

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So far all the Airbuses are fine in FS2024, Ini A320v2, A321, A330, A400M
and the A380 seems to work,
Fenix is superb in FS2024
maybe we get the A350 sometime soon too.
So it’s an Airbus win I think in FS2024. Trouble is I get bored with Airbuses after a while.

I like them, but they aren’t as “interesting” as the Boeings, certainly not the earlier Boeing models.

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Yeah the Boeing planes were completely neglected. I guess because Asobo is French…?

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You have to add that all the Ini Axxx and Mxxx need a restart of MSFS 2024 when finish the flight or going back to the main menu.


Yes this happened to me last night. They do for some strange reason hang the sim on exit.

I guess this would rather be a market and audience targeting through the sim itself : one sim being Boeing vs/while another sim being Airbus. I could be far than truth though, just my guess …

They hired Inibuilds to do the Airbuses while they chose to do the Boeings themselves (with a bit of help from WT, but that is only the avionics) and this is the result: excellent Airbuses, mediocre Boeings.

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Over thinking this I believe. The first party aircraft are not at the same level as the third party add-ons for either Airbus or Boeing. I’d suggest they are quite equal when it comes to quality third party aircraft such as Fenix, FlybyWire and PMDG. It’s not just about these 2 biggest manufacturers either. There are the 146 and RJ, thd E Jets, etc

I tried using the A380 in MSFS 2024, but its performance is much worse than in MSFS 2020.

On the ground in OMDB, I’m only getting 8 fps in any view and stuttering like crazy. While in MSFS 2020, I get 31 fps in the exterior view and 45 in the cockpit.

WhatbOMDB are you using and if its 3rd party , have you removed/disabled the Asobo one. Maybe your preformance issues relate to using two airports on top of each other?
I don’t see any difference with the a380 berween fs2020 and fs2024. (5950x,3090,64gb,@ 4k). I am using dlss performance, vsync 33%(60Hz) and lossless scaling x3 though.
I also haven’t tried OMDB yet ( default or Ini) in fs2024.

I hope someone here can help me as there is no support for the A380 on the official discord but i would lile to enjoy the bird in 2024 over the holidays.

I xan see that many can fly it in MSFS2024 while mine is not wven moving on the ground.

With all 4 engines running and parking brakes off, the aircraft will not move, no matter how much thrust I apply.

I tried everyrhing i could think of. I enterd dev mode and toggled chocks and covers.
I applied breaks. I restarted the engines. I spwan at the gate and the runway. I did all that with the default livery and all custom liveries i have installed.

But even with full throttle the A380 refuses to move.

What am I doing wrong?

In MSFS2020 it worked fine.

I’m using the default OMDB. I don’t have an addon for that airport.

Of all the aircraft I have in both MSFS 2020 and 2024, the FBW A380 is the only one that performs worse in 2024 than in 2020. For the rest, performance is the same or even better on 2024, including the iniBuilds airliners.

Not only does it perform worse, it performs much worse. Loading at a default airport in the middle of a desert, the maximum I can get is 17 fps in both views. In MSFS 2020 I get triple that in the same place.

I sincerely hope that this will be fixed when it is officially released for MSFS 2024.

Did you try turning the cabin off on it? Or installing 4k version with 4k liveries. I have a 3090, but I still go for 4k textures.

Yes. 4K version with disabled cabin.

I have an RTX 2060 6GB. I think it might be a VRAM limitation, but I find it strange that this only affects the FBW A380 for now.

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Are you using the dev version? I’ve been using it in fs2024. I’ve not tried the ‘stable’ one as it’s quite old now.

But yes it could be VRAM that is your issue. I quite often see 16GB being used in fs2024. DX12 is vram hungry (in fs2020 too).

I am on the current 4K Dev build and my 3090 has 24GB VRAM.

Everything seems to work fine, but the aircraft will not move when applying thrust…

Seems like there are a lot of spurious parking brakes not releasing issues in fs2024. In my case it started with the Fenix, where I was as you suggest all set up and ready to taxi, but can’t go anywhere, glued to the tarmac. I didn’t find a solution for this issue, but it mysteriously went away a few attempts later. A few others reported similar.

On the Ini Airbuses there is currently a parking issue relating to requiring a double chocks removal. One in external walk around view and the other one in the EFB.

I also had an issue (I can’t remember which aircraft I first noticed it with) that I found where in fs2024 control setup my toe brakes function was inverted by default so pressing down one the foot pedal toe brakes and they released, foot pedal toe brakes raised and the brakes were fully engaged. I had to go into my controller settings to invert the toe brake axis because of this issue.

With the A380, fortunately I haven’t had an issue (yet) with the aircraft and parking brakes which always release for me.

It’s probably worth checking your controller bindings though.


The FBW A380x works without a hitch for me.
I have found that it won’t move sometimes if you use a 3rd party pushback tool
and mess with the parking brake out of sequence. I’m on PC w/ RTX 4090.