FlyByWire Simulations | A380X alpha | Discussion

Hi there,

We’re thrilled to finally release the open alpha of the A380X! Start flying the world’s largest passenger airliner in our developer preview. We’ve ensured the aircraft is capable of A to B flights on VATSIM, giving you the ability to explore this majestic aircraft inside and outside the cockpit.

The A380X comes with a 8K and a 4K texture option. See the description in our installer for which version fits you best.

Note: Throttle calibration is now required.
Throttle Calibration Guide:

Download using our installer:
Our installation guide:
SimBridge guides: SimBridge - Overview - FlyByWire Simulations Documentation
Support guide:
Known Issues and Workarounds:

Note: Not available on MSFS Marketplace.

Please note also: Due to our development and operations workflows, version numbers for the A32NX and A380X are the same. Expect near-simultaneous releases of both aircraft moving forward.


Congratulations. I know this was a long time coming.

I’m sure livery releases will be fast and furious. It would be great if people list their favorite livery options here so we can weed out poor quality conversions or quick and dirty first releases.


I wonder how many people called in sick or took the day off to enjoy this big bird…


Friday is holiday, at least in Germany. Don’t know how it is in other countries. :slightly_smiling_face:

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She is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations (and then some) to the complete wizards at FlyByWire. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Congratulations! Will there be a manual installation option at some point like the A32NX has?

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My game crashed after pressing the Master Caution Button on the runway. I will try it again later.

I use the table at the very bottom of, shows the top rated livery creators. I’m also willing to give newbies a chance, and just look at the comments before downloading. :+1:

Emirates is a must!

I’d also like to give thanks to FBW from us 2 axis throttle folks. I was very pleased to see this option in the EFB.

First impressions are, wow this thing is massive, the attention to detail is incredible. TCA sidestick was simple to calibrate, in fact I just duplicated and tweaked the settings from the profile I had for the FBW A32N. I could get lost in the cabin, in fact I did! Thank heavens for the F key. :laughing:


Just tried the this amazing creation in VR , just wow !! FBW should be very proud of themselves.

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Official paintkit is out. For all of you livery wizzards


Trully dissapointing release.
Tried to land at St Barth and ended up in the water.
Hope this bug is fixed when the aircraft reaches Beta state.

Joking aside, I have no words to thank the FBW team.

Of course the aircraft is incredible, but the fact that such an anticipated release has been so smooth, is beyond belief. Fastest download ever. Almost click and fly. Speechless…


Lots of bugs/errors/missing functionality etc. But a good freeware release for an alpha build. Can’t quite bring myself to fly it again when there are other quality aircraft out there. However, looking forward to trying it in 6 months or so and seeing if anything has been fixed.

How about your FPS in VR? I’ve tried the beautiful A380 and compared to A320 I’ve observed a drop of framerate from 35 to 15-18 fps( rtx 3060ti and reverb G2). Thank you in advance for sharing your impressions.
P.S. I have the 4K version


I’m not in VR, but that’s roughly what I’m seeing, using the 4K version. I love it and I love the work and effort gone into it, but for me, I don’t feel I can really use it, as it is now.

Very aware it’s an alpha, so I’m sure things will improve over time.

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No holiday here, it’s 8 hours of flat out work and I slept poorly so I’ll be dead by this evening.

Hopefully this big machine has a functional coffee machine!

I’ve got a few interesting livery ideas:

  • Wunala Dreaming with the latest Qantas logos or the ones before that.

  • Singapore Tropical Megatop

  • Qantas 1959 livery (eg VH-EBA City of Canberra)

  • Qantas Wallabies (aka VH-OJO 747-438)

  • Ansett Australia Sydney 2000 Olympics (from the 747-312)

Most of these I painted already on the PMDG 747-8 so it’s just a matter of adapting the graphics.

Another interesting one I could paint (but wouldn’t be accurate to the plane) would be the Airbus House A380F colours. I have the model of that plane here in very high detail 1:200 scale.


This is a work of art! I absolutely love it! I hand flew the 4k version, and it was perfection. Thanks so much!

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Maybe a “light version” with the cabin only! It could be enough for me…the cabin is beautiful :heart_eyes:


Weeeelll apparently you can turn it off, if I understand correctly. This is from the Discord:

How much difference it makes, I can’t say yet, haven’t tried!


Looks great, sounds even better. But seems to have caused problems with default ATC. ATC AI no longer responds to ATC instructions as it usually does. Am also unable to respond to ATC myself as selecting Acknowledge in the ATC window doesn’t do anything. So you have a constant “Fly by Wire, did you hear my last transmission”. Restarting the flight with another aircraft solves the ATC problem, so this is unique to the A380.