Flying Iron Spitfire - Xbox Series X - Can’t Close Door!?

I think at the end of the day we’ll see the DC-6 might have been the best stress test we could have asked for as console users. At this point it’s obvious there is something very wrong with the Xbox version and how it interacts with add ons. All of these issues have to be related in some way.

Thanks for the update! Much appreciated.

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I’ve officially given up on the Spitfire door fix, 5 months is just ridiculous……
I been very patient but there is no excuse to still be having this issue……
It’s as simple as when we spawn cold & dark making the door closed by default….This developer has just hung the XBox users out to dry….

It’s not the developer’s fault. It’s a coding issue with the Xbox.

Stop sticking up the developers…. They could of made the the closed by default (and they told me that that’s what they were going to do 6 weeks ago)
Their excuses now mean nothing to me

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I think you’re being harsh on the developer. But, you’re entitled to your opinion of course.

But please don’t tell me to ‘stop sticking up for the developer’. It’s my opinion that it isn’t their fault, it’s Microsoft’s. And like you, I’m entitled to mine.

I be harsh when it’s needed and justified…
I recommended this aircraft to heaps of my friends…. And have been passing on my communications with the developer…… to all the members of our DIscord group….
Now all I can do is let them know that I’ve been lied to….
As you can see from my initial communications I have been very friendly and courteous about this issue…… But enough is enough

And if your not on XBox your opinion means nothing to me on this issue!!!

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I am on Xbox. And I have the spitfire.

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Well contrary to popular belief…. Not all XBox users want to spawn on the runway with the engine running….


Neither do I.

I received an update for the Spitfire this evening (although I don’t think it was mentioned in the marketplace update). I’m also in the beta so not sure if that matters, but the door is now closed on cold and dark starts :sunglasses:. Ty Flying Iron!


Fixed today, just updated with a 2meg file and door is permanently closed on ground…
Finally but better late than never….
Thanx flyingiron

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Great Update for Xbox. I made a quick test flight and it’s a really great aircraft now! Thanks for the update

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Does anyone know what else has actually been done during the update? I’m finding that I need a massive amount of trimming up to fly it the way I was before. Has anyone noticed this? Was the elevator trim meant to be getting tweaks as well?

I noticed I needed a lot of trim as well on the non clipped wings version. Almost the complete opposite with the clipped wings. Not sure what is going on, but not a deal breaker currently. I think the Spitfire might be the most complete bug free aircraft on Xbox at the moment. I’m currently in the middle of taking her around Irelands coast followed by a tour of the UK coastline.

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Whoa really? I was just flying mine around Milton Keynes and up around the Midlands a little while ago of this comment. We must’ve been so close to being able to see nametags at one point maybe.

After a relatively long hiatus I’ve been flying her pretty much exclusively the last few days. I definitely think she needs some more credit than she gets. I never knew her back with the teething problems, so I’ve only ever known the best version of her. You’re right, out of my collection so far, she is one of the best out of them. Never disappointed me yet.

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She was my first add on purchased. I would fly this with the door open just for the cold and dark start before they had to literally patch it closed.

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Since the “door fix” fix update on the Xbox version my spit which I love and have loved since the summer and my only issue was the door so I’m well chuffed but……….
What’s with the trailing thick black smoke at all engine revs…. Tooo much!!! Lol

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I think it’s got to do with the live weather problems that have been getting reported in recent days. Crazy temperature spikes. I’ve had it to but comes and goes with me, also experience engine performance issues. Yes your plane is overheating but it should go away. I’m considering on contacting Flying Iron but I don’t think it’s the plane at fault.

Doh! Lol…
Your right, I can be controlled keeping temps in check, I’ve been flying about flat out recently but I had never noticed smoke before last update so it must have been another addition with the recent “door fix” update…
Alls well again…. That’s the forum in action :v:
Keeping oil temp below 95c and the smoke stays away……

Have you used the Radiator Flaps or even the Carburetor Filter function that you find on your left side? I’ve been wondering if they even work at all tbh. In theory these functions should help supply cooler and perhaps better quality air right? Well that’s my thinking. I don’t know how to use them properly or even if they can be used in tandem. Perhaps someone here will verify.

This problem hasn’t happened to me in a couple days so maybe it’s fixed for now.