Ok have had this plane for a few days now and after a few initial annoyances I’m finding myself more and more impressed with it.
First of all if you do decide to try it you will probably notice the default camera views to be a little messed up. Not sure if this is a fault with the latest version or if its always been there but I spawned into the plane the first time staring at the undercarriage and the runway…so essentially underneath the ac. Adjusting the view with the arrow keys put me with my face up against the altimeter gauge lol. So expect to spend 10 minutes or so working out some custom camera views before you are able to fly it.
I have heard a few people complain about the engine sounds but they seemed ok to me. And this is coming from someone who was annoyed big time by the Twin Otter engine sounds. Although for some reason the environmental sound volume is turned right up so it sometimes sounds like you’ve left the window open when cruising at altitude. I think you can adjust this within the sim though.
Also I can’t be 100% sure but I dont think the EGT is working. Someone with more experience than me may be able to confirm this…but the needle on the gauge didn’t seem to move no matter what mixture level I set at altitude. Could be wrong though because as I said I’m not an expert in these things.
People have also mentioned problems with the AP maintaining a GS but this seemed to work perfectly for me with the GTN 750. It’s also a lot of fun to fly by hand.
All in all this is a really good GA aircraft. I would even suggest it has the potential to become one of the best. There’s just something really authentic feeling about sitting in the cockpit of this one (the modelling of the cockpit is outstanding). And at night with all the instrument lights on it is a thing of beauty. At $39 for the BETA its pretty good value imo. Recommended.