Flysimware Cessna 414A

in the screenshot the switch is on “night” and all sliders are “up” however there is no panel light. however the overhead lights work

Are they the L and R Alternator lights illuminated on the Annunciator panel?


Looks like they are in the first shot. Avionics wouldn’t work if the alternators were off and the battery was flat (obviously) but I regularly have to cycle my alternator switches to turn them back on, even when they have been turned on previously. I’m on Xbox and don’t have a problem with the lighting, possibly the GPS software updates are causing the problem. Wish the upgrade was available for Xbox users.

in the first shot I was on GPU power. second shot i’m on alternator power. can’t get lights to turn on in either case sadly. hoping the DEV chimes in or someone who has solved this

I had this yesterday, and the day before. v4.1.3. Was told it should have been fixed.
I believe (in my case) it may be down to my mis-coded AAO hardware bindings for my Honeycomb Yoke BAT & ALT switches.

It was said on discord (prior to v4.1.3?) that the Master Bar being flipped forward and back again would cause the battery to instantly die. This is what was happening to me (my code would move the Master Bar) and the only solution was to restart a flight.

Reason for me moving the bar back and forth was when testing my AAO scripts. But the effect on the battery was like this. And I would also see that the OAT, fuel computer, and these panel lights would not switch on.
Battery ‘drained’ by the above master bar actions.

For now, I’m just using the mouse to flip the BAT left & right ALTs and the Avionics.
Seems fine doing it that way.

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somehow msfs atc does not recognice squawk code when setting in the c414… setting it manually (alt mode and assigned code) or just acknowledge squawk code in atc menu,both doesnt seem to work… any idea?

Is the transponder set to ALT mode?

yes, it is. I think the transponder follows another logic than default msfs transponder. I first realized that when setting up my gear. the standard transponder dial and state setting from logitech multi panel didnt work. so I looked up the lvars in behaviour window in dev mode. They do control the knobs for hundreds,thousands etc, but atc doesnt seem to recognize. So I binded a button to ATC MENU 1 for acknowledging squawk code when given one.Strange thing is, even with mouse clicking I cant get the transponder to work correct.

I am getting closer to solving this. I tried a flight without any hardware connected and empty community folder, only AFC bridge navigraph data and the 414. atc even recognizes the set squawk code itself. thats weird but now I know it must be something in community folder…or it is the transponder bindings on my bravo throttle…
EDIT: its the transponder ident signal (I guess?) that little orange lamp on the transponder. I cant get it to work without mouse. If anyone has the correct keybind for this please let me know

The MSFS built-in interactive checklists for this plane are gone. Did they remove it?

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I bought this through the in game store but now I see that through their website they have beta updates but they are only accessible through your purchase there.

Is there any way to get the beta updates if you bought it through the game and not their store?

Yes. Buy it from their store.

I bought it on the in game store (marketplace) and I’ve had a number of updates. The caveat is they tend tobe released there slightly later

Depends if you feel like you are someone that absolutely needs to have an update the moment it releases.

These releases are beta only. Yes for some reason the dev has taken it back to beta but with the caveats that you can of course just stay with the latest current release until those beta changes become integrated into the main release and they are only available to direct website customers only.

Quick PSA for anyone downloading 4.2.6 Beta.
I had issues with flaring at the threshold - basically there was none, the 414 fell to the runway after idle at about 94kts.

But never fear, Mark got on the case and has fixed the issue super-quick.
No doubt a hotfix will be imminent. He’s calling for testers to replace a few files (downloadable from his Discord) to confirm the fix.

So if you’re helping out with beta testing, go give this a go.




  1. V4.1.0 beta through V4.2.6 beta is included in this major update! There will not be any updates for some time unless a hotfix is needed. This was roughly 2 weeks of beta to ensure a good update to all stores. Beta updates are only announced in our Discord community and only for those who purchased on the FSW store.
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does the sim remember the last state the plane was in upon starting a flight?

i ask because i just installed the plane and when i loaded up at the airport, the plane had its electronics on instead of cold and dark

having the same issue as I had several weeks ago: I can’t get the panel lights to turn on. i just installed latest update. I feel like I have to be missing something. loaded cold dark then:

gpu: ON
master: ON

doesn’t matter if i’m on DAY or NIGHT setting or where I move the sliders, as you can see in the screenshot the panel stays dark. What am I missing?

Had the same issue last time. Had to use “L” on the keyboard (toggle lights). After switching on/off with “L” the pedestal switches were ok again. Possible bug.

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